Answers to last month’s puzzle:
(fill in the missing words) of these advertisements
1. The American Express Card – don’t leave home without it.
2. Let Your Fingers Do the Walking through the Yellow Pages.
3. Put a Tiger in Your Tank.
4. Plop Plop Fizz Fizz, Oh What a Relief It Is.
5. When You Care Enough to Send the Very Best.
6. Reach Out and Touch Someone.
7.Have You Driven a Ford Lately?
8. Fly the Friendly Skis of United.
9. Aren’t You Glad You Use Dial?
10. Chase What Matters.
This month:
Given 2 normal candles (but with wicks sticking out on either end) which each will last one hour (when used in the normal way) devise a way to determine when 3/4 hour has elapsed within a few seconds. You have no ruler or means of measuring, but lots of matches.