by Armand Gutierrez, President

May is here and that means it’s time to bring an end to the NSC 2019-2020 season. Like last year, NSC had a pretty good season highlighted by a variety of accomplishments and events:

  • Annual Luau and Membership Picnic
  • Volunteer participation at the annual Obon Festival in Mountain View
  • NSC sponsorship of the Silicon Valley Asian Pacific Film Festival
  • Snow Fest (formerly SnowBomb) at Santa Clara County Fairgrounds
  • Warren Miller Film @ Heritage Theater, Campbell
  • A most fantastic ski week at Whistler
  • Various members went on the FWSA Davos/Portugal Ski Trip

June marks the start of the NSC 2020-2021 season, and beginning this month you can take advantage of the $5 membership discount if you sign up and submit your membership form before May 31st . Please submit your application to Tina Woo (Membership Chairman).

Normally the end of the ski season has the board working on upcoming events for the summer and fall. However, this is not a normal year with the current group event restrictions in place. But, that does not mean our normal events are cancelled, the board prefers to use the term postponed. Yes, we are still considering the annual Luau and Membership Picnic, hosting another Tea Dance, and possibly a Thai Cooking demonstration. We’ll keep you posted on when these events are scheduled.

Board Nominations & Elections

The nominations process has been completed and the next step is elections. The elections chairman tells me there were several nominations but they were gracefully declined. Therefore the slate consists of the incumbents, and we’re fortunate that everyone on the board has agreed to serve again. However, voting is important and although there were no accepted nominations you can still vote for a write-in candidate. Whether you’re voting for the incumbents or a write-in candidate, it’s important that you do vote. Your vote tells the board that you do appreciate the volunteer work performed by members of the board, so please take the very short time needed to cast your vote. The election ballot using SurveyMonkey was recently distributed by Hoyt Nelson.

2021 NSC Ski Week to Breckenridge, CO

Next year’s ski week will be at Breckenridge, CO from 23-30 January, Breckenridge is part of Vail Resorts so you can pick up an Epic Pass for the next season. Once again, Sports America will be offering the Epic Pass promotion-lodging rebate of $30 for an Epic Local Pass and $50 for a Full Epic Pass. For 2020-21 Breckenridge will be on the Epic Pass, and is also good for Northstar, Heavenly Valley, and Kirkwood. Here is what you need to know about the Ikon and Epic Passes for the Breckenridge trip:

  • Purchase the Ikon Base Pass (Squaw/Alpine) from Sports America and receive a $30 discount, or purchase the Full Ikon Pass and receive a $50 discount on the Breckenridgetrip. However, the Ikon Pass cannot be used at Breckenridge. Go to this link to purchase: .
  • Purchase the Epic Local Pass (Northstar, Heavenly, Kirkwood) and receive a $30 discount, or purchase the Full Epic Pass and receive a $50 discount on the Breckenridge trip. The Epic Pass can be used at Breckenridge for unlimited access. Go to this link to purchase: .
  • Purchase both the Ikon/Epic passes and you will receive a combination discount based on the type of passes you purchase.

If you have any questions about either of the passes then drop me a line at