by Armand Gutierrez, President

The ski season has reached it’s mid-point and optimistically you’ve made your way to the slopes in pursuit of some skiing/riding pleasures. I know that many of you have decided to pass on this year, a number of members have frequented the Tahoe resorts, and some have ventured beyond state boundaries to experience the winter wonderlands of Idaho, Utah, and Colorado. No matter your choice, you are doing what is best for you.
2022 NSC Ski Week
It’s time to start thinking about our NSC ski week for next season and I’m counting on a return to a normal season. Although Breckenridge was selected for our 2021 trip, the 2022 trip will be at a different location.
Board Nominations
Now that it’s March it’s time to think about Board Nominations for the 2021-22 season. Yes, following the presidential election last November now we have the NSC elections coming up. If anyone has an interest in joining the board for the next season and has questions about what it entails then just drop a note to any of the current board members, or perhaps you have someone in mind to nominate for the board. Please keep in mind that the Nisei Ski Club relies on volunteers to be on the board and undertake the running of the club. It’s not all work and no play. Board meetings this year have been online using Zoom, and this will probably continue until it has been determined by the cognizant authorities that it is safe to return to have face-to-face meetings. It is a convenience to attend a board meeting
from the comfort of home, but I do miss the face-to-face interaction and the
lunches afterward.
QotM: To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out
in the cold. – Aristotle