by Armand Gutierrez, President
Summer is here with a mix of warm and hot weather. Thoughts of skiing have been displaced by golf, biking, hiking, BBQs, and other outdoor activities. However, several NSC members are planning on one last ski adventure at Squaw Valley for their 4thof July skiing. If interested contact Karen Soo (
NSC Annual Membership Meeting and Luau Picnic, June 9th

Once again we had a great turnout (over 40 people) for our annual membership meeting and Luau picnic, and the weather was warm-to-hot with a slight refreshing breeze. Normally we have a membership meeting, Karen’s Left-Center-Right game of chance, and a group picture. However, everyone was having such a great time talking with other members, relaxing, and enjoy the day that we completely forgot the usual events. Thanks to everyone that showed up and had a great time.
Upcoming Events
Mt. View Obon Festival is on July 20thand 21st. This is an annual event in which NSC usually participates and is always a fun event. After all, there’s a variety of food, carnival-style games, cultural events, lots of people, and the famous Beer Booth. If you are interested in volunteering for jobs ranging from set up, to Manju making and Yakisoba prep, there are signup sheets at this link:
Whistler/Blackcomb Ski Week 2020

Plans are moving forward for the Whistler Blackcomb ski week trip for 2020, and the date is 1-8 February. The Whistler flyer has been posted and you can now send in your applications. This trip will be limited to 60 applicants so be sure to send yours in early. This trip is a little more expensive that our usual trips, but the cost can be greatly reduced if you have the Epic/Epic Local pass for lift tickets.
For 2019-20 Whistler/Blackcomb will be on the Epic Pass, and is also good for Northstar, Heavenly Valley, and Kirkwood. Here is what you need to know about the Ikon and Epic Passes for the Whistler/Blackcomb trip:
· Purchase the Ikon Base Pass(Squaw/Alpine) from Sports America and receive a $30 discount on the Whistler/Blackcomb trip. However, the Ikon Pass cannot be used at Whistler/Blackcomb. Go to this link to purchase:
· Purchase the Epic Local Pass(Northstar, Heavenly, Kirkwood) and receive a $30 discount on the Whistler/Blackcomb trip. The Epic Pass can be used at Whistler/Blackcomb for up to ten days. Go to this link to purchase:
If you have any questions about either of the passes then drop me a line at
Davos/Portugal Ski Week 2020
NSC is collaborating with FWSA on their 2020 ski trip to Davos, Switzerland (Feb 28 – Mar 7), with an extension week to Portugal (Mar 7-13). Davos offers 186mi of guaranteed ski pistes, 57 cable cars/lifts, 110 slopes, and a vertical drop of 5,656 feet. In other words, this place is huge, and the Klosters ski resort sits next door for additional skiing adventures. If you are planning on making this trip then now is the time to sign up as rooms are filling up fast. It is recommended that couples or two single skiers signup for the Executive Double Occupancy rooms, and couples can also signup for the Jr. Suites. Please submit all forms and the first payment directly to me at:

FWSA Davos Ski Trip
c/o Armand Gutierrez
1843 Cabana Drive
San Jose, CA 95125
Subsequent payments will be sent directly to Debbie Stewart, VP of International Travel (address is on the applications). The Davos/Portugal flyer and application forms have been posted.
If you have any questions about this trip then drop me a line at