by Armand Gutierrez, President

This has been an unusual year for NSC given the pandemic situation. Two of our major events were cancelled: the Annual Membership/Luau Picnic, and the Breckenridge ski week trip. However, there was one well-attended Bike Excursion last month and there are two events scheduled for the remaining of the year.
As we come to the closing chapter for 2020 it definitely can be agreed upon that this year will be remembered for a long, long time. I’m not sure if it ranks up there to past, life-changing events such as WWI, WWII, and the Great Depression, but it has been a doozy of a year. The social distancing mandates, closures of businesses, and an acute awareness of personal safety (i.e. masks, hand washing, etc.) have affected us all in one way or the other and brings to light the small conveniences that we take for granted.
Upcoming Events
- Thai Cooking Demonstration: Karen Soo, our resident chef, will be hosting a Thai Cooking demonstration via Zoom on Saturday, 5 December, at 1 pm. Now, this is a first for NSC. I don’t recall any cooking demonstrations in the past, but then again maybe there were some before my time with NSC. Karen has already sent out details for the demonstration, including an ingredient list and recipes. Be sure to check out Karen’s article.
- NSC Happy Hour via Zoom: I’ve been attending the monthly BAC meetings (via Zoom), and while many of the clubs are hosting their board and/or monthly meetings via Zoom, several have also hosted Happy Hours via Zoom. With that in mind, the board decided we should join in on that experience so a Happy Hour is scheduled for Saturday, 19 December, at 5pm. Curtis Otaguro will be sending out the meeting link several days prior to the Happy Hour.
Christmas Greetings

On behalf of the NSC board I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.