by Armand Gutierrez
As we enter another month of trials and tribulations with the pandemic mandates of wearing masks and limiting our social activities, life does go on with video chats, perhaps visiting family, and no longer hoarding toilet paper. Hopefully, whatever you’re doing to keep your sanity is working for you. Our club activities so far have been either deferred or cancelled, but the Board continues to meet, via video chats, to discuss the issues presented and any future events that may be of interest to the membership.

It’s been a year since NSC was designated as an FWSA Historic Ski Club. This year FWSA is celebrating their 90th Anniversary of their founding on October 7, 1930, and for this celebration a 90thAnniversary Commemoration Booklet is being produced. The booklet will feature a list of all the FWSA Historic Ski Clubs and Councils in this collectible edition plus advertising space for clubs to congratulate FWSA on this milestone. The NSC board approved a small advertisement space so our club can be recognized as a Historic Ski Club and to congratulate FWSA.

Now, picture yourself in the 1930s with the latest ski gear and apparel. Does it look like this?

Sign-ups for the Breckenridge trip (23-30 January 2021) are well below what is normally expected for June and July. This most likely can be attributed to a deep concern in going on a ski trip during the pandemic situation. However, I’m hopeful that there will be an improvement in the pandemic situation and there will be sufficient signups to still conduct the trip, albeit with a smaller-than-usual group. If you have any questions regarding the trip please drop me a line at
Recap on Epic Passes
Breckenridge is part of Vail Resorts so you can pick up an Epic Pass for the next season. Once again, Sports America is offering the Epic Pass promotion-trip rebate of $30 for an Epic Local Pass and $50 for a Full Epic Pass.
Breckenridge is on the Epic Pass, which is also good for Northstar, Heavenly Valley, and Kirkwood. Here is what you need to know about the Ikon and Epic Passes for the Breckenridge trip:
Purchase the Ikon Base Pass (Squaw/Alpine) from Sports America and receive a $30 discount, or purchase the Full Ikon Pass and receive a $50 discount on the Breckenridge trip. However, the Ikon Pass cannot be used at Breckenridge. Go to this link to purchase:
- Purchase the Epic Local Pass (Northstar, Heavenly, Kirkwood) and receive a $30 discount, or purchase the Full Epic Pass and receive a $50 discount on the Breckenridge trip. The Epic Pass can be used at Breckenridge for unlimited access. Go to this link to purchase:
- Purchase both the Ikon/Epic passes and you will receive a combination discount based on the type of passes you purchase.
- If you have any questions about either of the passes then drop me a line at
Breckenridge Trip Cancellation Policy
In the event that it is deemed necessary to cancel the Breckenridge Trip due to insufficient sign-ups or resort closure full refunds will be made to all participants. Trip cancellation will have to be made no later than October 1st.
Epic Pass Credit for Shortened Season
By now Epic Pass holders should have received a letter or email indicating the credit for the shortened season. When purchasing the Epic Pass through Sports America the only option is to select the type of pass you want for the indicated price. However, you can submit a copy of your letter/email to Brandon Ruggles ( and you will receive the credit applied to the total price of the pass before it is charged to your credit card. Note this date: September 7th is the last day for the lowestEpic Pass prices plus ten buddy passes.
Epic Pass Refund Policy
New for 2020-2021 is the Epic Coverage. This is free for all pass holders and provides refunds associated with certain personal events (i.e. illness, job loss, and injury). It also expands coverage to protect your from resort closures, such as any due to COVID-19. For additional information you can visit this website: