by Rick Dumlao
On Sunday Oct. 18th Nisei sponsored a bike ride to the Coyote Hills Regional Park, just north of the Dumbarton Bridge.
About 10 of us set out for a leisurely ride. The air quality was good, the sun was out, and there was just enough of a breeze to keep the heat away. We all enjoyed the day together. During the ride we learned about salt flats, a Navy destroyer still shipwrecked in the bay, an old Nike missile site, the marshlands, and a 2,000 year old native Indian dwelling.
A variety of birds and other wildlife were seen on the way. The ride ended up with a BBQ at Rick’s house. We had some burgers and hotdogs and some drinks along with enjoyable conversation. In total, the ride was 15.5 miles long and took about 2 hours to complete. All in all, it was a very nice day!