by Armand Gutierrez, President
It must be getting closer to ski season as my Email Inbox is getting overtaken by emails from ski resorts, ski rentals, ski vacations, ski season passes, and anything else that is related to skiing. Of course, some emails are read, some are bypassed to be read at a later time, and the rest are deleted. And, of course, receiving these emails is prepping more for the onslaught of political emails and snail-mail brochures that will soon be arriving prior to the mid-term elections. Fortunately my Mail app has rules to delete the detritus before entering the hallowed shrine of the Inbox, but alas, I have no control over the deliveries from the USPS.
NSC Bocce Ball Event
On August 20th Hoyt Nelson, Bocce Ball player extraordinaire, hosted a number NSC Bocce Ball players for several games and a picnic lunch afterwards. Although I was unable to attend it’s my understanding that Mother Nature cooperated with good weather and everyone had a good time.
NSC Bike Ride Event – Saturday, September 24th
The next NSC event is a Bike Ride that will cover the Bay Trail in the Mt. View/Palo Alto area starting at Shoreline Park. There will be two distances to chose from: a ~13 miler and a ~25 miler, so get your legs ready for some riding. And yes, what kind of event would it be without food? After the bike ride there will be a picnic lunch (BYOF). Details will be provided at a later date. The road warriors in the photo attended the Bike Ride Event in 2020.

2023 NSC Ski Week to Breckenridge
Currently there are 11 snow warriors that will are on the Breckenridge trip, the smallest group that we’ve ever had for a ski week. We’ve got three condos filled and any more signups will be put on a waitlist until I can get four people to fill a fourth condo. Since we didn’t meet the minimum group rate requirements the original price had a slight increase and to keep the price reasonable the souvenir gift and Farewell Dinner were eliminated. However, we can still have a Potluck Dinner and a smaller Farewell Dinner at our own cost.
For 2022-23 Breckenridge will be on the Epic Pass, and is also good for Northstar, Heavenly Valley and Kirkwood. Here is what you need to know about the Ikon and Epic Passes for the Breckenridge trip:
- Purchase an Ikon Pass (Palisades/Alpine) from Sports America and receive a:
- $60 trip discount for an Ikon Base Pass, or
- $60 trip discount for an Ikon Pass.
- Go to this link to purchase: :
- The Ikon Pass or Ikon Base Pass cannot be used at Breckenridge or Park City.
- Purchase an Epic Pass (Northstar, Heavenly, Kirkwood) from Sports America and receive a:
- $40 trip discount for an Epic Local Pass, unlimited at Vail Resorts
- $30 trip discount for an Epic Tahoe Local, 5-days skiing at Breckenridge
- $30 trip discount for an Epic 5-day Unrestricted Pass, 5-days skiing at Breckenridge.
- $20 trip discount for an Epic 5-day Holiday Excluded Pass, 5-days skiing at Breckenridge. This pass is recommended if you only want to ski 5 days at Breckenridge.
- Our trip will not be during any of the Holiday Exclusion dates.
- Go to this link to purchase:
- Purchase both the Ikon/Epic passes and you will receive a combination trip discount based on the type of passes you purchase.
If you have any questions about either of the passes then drop me a line at
QotM: When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser – Socrates