by Armand Gutierrez, President

May is here and that means it’s time to bring an end to the NSC 2021-2022 season. Unlike last year, NSC moved more to its normal existence with reduced COVID requirements, and a sense of returning to social interaction. We had good attendance at two of our main events, the annual ski week to Steamboat and the annual Luau and Membership picnic. Even with a low snow load during another drought year, many members enjoyed many awesome ski days in Tahoe and elsewhere.

But now it’s June, which marks the start of the NSC 2022-2023 season, and it’s time to restart the upcoming season with a return of our standby events and perhaps a few new ones. Beginning this month, you can take advantage of the $5 membership discount if you sign up and submit your membership form before May 31st. Please submit your application to Tina Woo (Membership Chairman).

The board has been meeting frequently because life with NSC does go on.  Plans are in the making for our annual Luau and Membership Picnic, our ski week trip to Breckenridge, and a few other events that are in the planning stages.

Board Nominations & Elections

The nominations process has been completed and the next step is elections. The elections chairman (that would be Hoyt Nelson) tells me there were several nominations. Therefore, the slate consists of the incumbents and nominees. However, voting is important and although there were several nominations you can still vote for a write-in candidate. Whether you’re voting for an incumbent, nominee, or a write-in candidate, it’s important that you do vote. Your vote tells the board that you do appreciate the volunteer work performed by members of the board, so please take the very short time needed to cast your vote. The election ballot will be distributed in the coming weeks.

2023 NSC Ski Week to Breckenridge, CO

Next year’s ski week will be at Breckenridge, CO from 28 January – 4 February, 2023. Breckenridge is an Epic Pass destination so you can now order an Epic Pass for the next season. Once again, Sports America will be offering the Epic/Ikon Pass promotion-trip rebate for anyone that goes on the trip and purchases a pass through Sports America.

For 2022-23 Breckenridge will be on the Epic Pass, and is also good for Northstar, Heavenly Valley and Kirkwood. Here is what you need to know about the Ikon and Epic Passes for the Breckenridge trip:

  • Purchase an Ikon Pass (Palisades/Alpine) from Sports America and receive a:
    • $60 trip discount for an Ikon Base Pass, or 
    • $60 trip discount for an Ikon Pass.
    • Go to this link to purchase: :
    • The Ikon Pass or Ikon Base Pass cannot be used at Breckenridge.
  • Purchase an Epic Pass (Northstar, Heavenly, Kirkwood) from Sports America and receive a:
    • $40 trip discount for an Epic Local Pass
    • $30 trip discount for an Epic Tahoe Local, 5-days skiing at Breckenridge
    • $30 trip discount for an Epic 5-day Unrestricted Pass, 5-days skiing at Breckenridge
    • $20 trip discount for an Epic 5-day Holiday Excluded Pass, 5-days skiing at Breckenridge. This pass is recommended if you only want to ski 5 days at Breckenridge.
    • Go to this link to purchase:
  • Our trip will not be during any of the Holiday Exclusion dates.
  • Purchase both the Ikon/Epic passes and you will receive a combination trip discount based on the type of passes you purchase.

If you have any questions about either of the passes then drop me a line at

QotM: Growing old beats the alternative – dying young.