by Armand Gutierrez, President
This has been a most unusual ski season. Tahoe has been slammed with record-breaking snowfall and great skiing conditions. Of course, sometimes the problem is getting up to the Tahoe area. Along with major snow dumps there are also dicey road conditions on I-80 getting to the north Tahoe area (think Palisades Tahoe, Alpine Meadows, and Northstar), and US 50 getting to the south Tahoe area (Heavenly, Sierra-at-Tahoe). But, timing is everything. If you plan carefully to avoid adverse road conditions and get up to Tahoe on favorable road conditions then you will be rewarded with great ski conditions. Don’t wait; the ski season is half-over so get up there now!
NSC Website Updated
There has been an update to the Events & Ski Trips page that now shows the upcoming ski trips sponsored by BAC and upcoming ski and adventure (non-ski) trips sponsored by FWSA. As an FWSA travel assistant for the FWSA International Ski trips let me know if you have any questions (
The 2024 NSC Ski Week will be at Jackson Hole with a tentative date from January 27th to February 3rd. Mark your calendar and start planning on a ski week to what is known as “a skier’s mountain”. Yes, plenty of challenging runs for you ski warriors, and a few milder runs for the ski bunnies (do we have any ski bunnies?).
Board Nominations
Now that it’s March it’s time to think about Board Nominations for the 2023-24 season. If anyone has an interest in joining the board for the next season and has questions about what it entails then just drop a note to any of the current board members, or perhaps you have someone in mind to nominate for the board. Please keep in mind that the Nisei Ski Club relies on volunteers to be on the board and undertake the running of the club. It’s not all work and no play. Board meetings this year have been online using Zoom. It is a convenience to attend a Zoom board meeting from the comfort of home, but I do miss the face-to-face interaction and the lunches afterward.
QotM: Trust is like the soul, once it leaves it never returns.