by Armand Gutierrez, President
July is over, and so is the hot weather towards the end of the month and we all survived 90+ temps. If I could accurately predict the weather, I would be a wealthy man. But, alas, my mortal powers are limited to just keeping fit for the upcoming ski season, so I have no predictions for August. But keep in mind, there is talk about another El Niño year.
NSC Annual Membership Meeting and Luau Picnic
The NSC Annual Membership Meeting and Luau Picnic were held on Saturday, July 22nd, and the weather was great, a great crowd of 55+ people, and a number of new faces. Everyone dined on a variety of cuisine, the new board was introduced, and a short discussion on family memberships was presented. If you missed this event now you will have to wait until next year.
2024 NSC Jackson Hole – 27 January to 3 February
Applications are coming in so if you haven’t sent yours in then what are you waiting for? Jackson Hole is always a big favorite and lodging spaces are getting taken up. For those of you that have made a deposit then August 15th is the due date for the second payment. Go to the NSC website and download the Jackson Hole Flyer, fill it out, and send it in (don’t forget your check). As an added incentive, you can go down (literally) as an NSC Legend just by taking this simple fall line run (AKA Corbet’s Couloirs):
QotM: Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.