Patt Dumlao
On June 10th 2018, the Nisei Ski Club had their annual picnic celebrating the club’s 60th year. It was announced that we are one of the oldest ski clubs on the west coast.
It was a pretty good turnout with members, family, and friends showing up. The weather was warm and breezy. A lot of entrée and dessert dishes were brought in by the members as well as varied liquid refreshments. You couldn’t stop eating (LOL) umm..umm..good! Karen Soo was our terrific grill chef for the day. As everyone enjoyed the food, it was a good time catching up with new and old friends.
“El Presidente” Armand made a few more announcements about the next weeklong ski trip to Montana. More on that in another article. Thanks and gratitude were given to those that volunteered in making this picnic successful and he also mentioned some changes in the Nisei Ski Club including new members of the board.
Once the club business was done, the traditional Left-Right-Center game commenced. Those that were new the game had fun learning how to play as well as being enjoyed by all. About 30 people circled around and participated. The winner of the game is typically “volunteered” to write this article about the picnic.
It was a great social day. Thanks everyone. . .