by Tina Woo, Membership Chair
In May, we had a very successful membership drive. If you have not yet renewed, now is the time! Please welcome two new members: Gary Chaw and Jim Stewart. And, welcome back returning members: Carol Ellis, Debra Fong, Allen Hu, Aaron Levin, Janice Melena, Sheldon and Wendy Sam, Amy and David Tsuhako and Carolyn Wong.
As mentioned previously, the Nisei Ski Club board is excited to announce several events scheduled for the balance of this year. In late August we are planning for our members’ annual picnic and are busy researching local parks in Sunnyvale. Piggybacking on Karen Soo’s well-attended Thai Cooking demo, she has agreed to conduct another zoom cooking lesson in late September. Our bike gurus, Curtis Otaguro and Rick Dumlao are planning another ride in the Fall.
Nisei Ski Club is a proud supporter of the Mt. View Obon Festival tentatively scheduled for July. And, in October, we will once again sponsor the Silicon Valley Asian Film Festival (virtually) and Achieve Tahoe in Winter.
June marks the start of the 2021-2022 Nisei Ski Club season. Download and complete the membership form to be eligible. We have several events coming up, in addition to the week-long trip in January 2022 to Steamboat, Colorado. And, we’re certainly open to suggestions for club activities. I’m hoping you will join us!