By Celeste Rogers, Nisei Ski Club Member
Saturday, August 20th, 2022, at 10:00 am
It was a great day to be outdoors among blue skies, the trees, feathered friends, Lake Almaden (with water!!) and friends of NSC.
We occupied two courts for the day. Thirteen people turned out for Hoyt’s bocce ball event Hoyt, Nancy, Tina, David T, Beverly, Judy and Winston, Janet and Rod and their 2 dogs on the sunny court.
I played in the shady court with Greg, Jeanne and Dorothy. It was a lot of fun. It became competitive and addictive as we improved our rolling skills. It got better while keeping scores too.
The other court had with 6 players per game. They play with 4 extra balls and the court ended up 12 balls at one time. The weather started out with moderate temperatures but it quickly climbed to 93 degrees. Just in time to go to lunch.

Hoyt Nelson, the Bocce Ball Organizer

We finished playing at 12:00pm and we had a few discussions on where to go for lunch. Hoyt suggested his favorites: Crepe Bistro and Back A Yard. Due to a request for outdoor dining, most could not join so we split into 2 groups: Dim Sum and Crepe Bistro.
I had lunch at Ocean Delight with Tina, Jeanne, Greg and Tony M – who joined us for dim sum.
NSC VP Jeanne K was full of energy and full of ideas for future NSC events. She asked for our feedback on future weekend Tahoe skiing, road trips, dinner and concert, the 65th Anniversary Dinner and Dance. After lunch, she had to run off to pack in preparation for a 10-day tour and cruise somewhere in Europe for 10 days. What a life.
I loved the event that included good conversations and especially the good food. It feels like the old days when Hoyt led us on the stairway hikes in San Francisco years ago! It was a fun day. Thank you, Hoyt, for leading this event.