by Jeanne Katsuro, Vice President

A magical island topped by a gravity-defying abbey, the Mont-Saint-Michel and its Bay count among France’s most stunning sights. For centuries one of Europe’s major pilgrimage destinations, this holy island is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as is its breathtaking bay.
Sign Up! France Manifique Trip October 23 – November 03, 2025
Reservation is for 38. It will be fun for Nisei to fill the whole bus!
Signup with this hyperlink for the France trip here deposit $698 which is fully refundable by April 2025
First Come First Serve! If you want to add 3 more nights to the end of the Paris Manifique Trip, I have reserved only 6 rooms currently.
Those of you who want to go to France with Nisei Ski Club!
I have arranged a 3 night Post Trip in Paris to stay at
Hyatt Regency Etoile where we will be ending our France Manifique Trip.
Price is $1140 per person which is $380 per night.
The price includes breakfast and tax and fees.
Tax is 8.45%
Plus there is a 20% VAT or Value Added Tax on both the breakfast and the room.
Here is an approximate break out of the taxes and fees
$275 Room
$ 20 Breakfast
$295 Total
$ 59 VAT 20% Value Added Tax
$ 24.92 8.45% City Tax
$378.92 Total
If you want to try to compare the prices.
I have concluded that it is a very good price given the Hyatt Regency Etoile Location and the other extras we get.
If you take this Post Tour with Collette, it will be covered in the $549 Collette Travel Insurance. It will not cost more money for the insurance.
Travel Insurance must be purchased at the time of the initial deposit.
For those travelers who are coming from San Jose, it will also include the travel to and from the SF Airport on the later date.
I have Reserved only 6 rooms for the group at this price.
First Come First Serve!
In order to reserve this Post Tour you have to sign up for the basic France Manifique Tour and then we can add it on.
If there are more rooms needed, as time goes by the prices go up.
Currently, the price for this Post Tour is reserved.