contributed by Judy Bracken, Newsletter Editor

Did you know that if you are a member of NSC, then you are automatically a member of the Far West Ski Association? They also host ski and adventure trips. Usually there is an international and domestic ski trip each year, as well as an adventure trip which might be diving or biking. The 2022 international ski trip is still in the works, but a reliable source tells me that it will be in Solden, Austria, February 25-March 5, with an extension to the Black Forest Region in Germany, Mar 5 – 11.  Here are some other events from the March FWSA News Flash.

FAR WEST 2021 DIVE TRIP:  Coming Up. Spots still available!  The 2021 Dive Trip will be October 9-16, 2021 to the wonderful Anthony’s Key Resort in Roatan, Honduras. We have great pricing for their top-of-the-line Key Deluxe lodging, meals, and 6 days of 3 tank boat dives. The registration forms and additional information are available on the website or contacting Randy Lew at

FWSA SKI WEEEK 2022:  Aspen/Snowmass Resort will be the destination, January 29 – February 5, 2022 for the annual Far West Ski Week.  We will be staying in Snowmass Resort and participants have a choice of ski in/ski out lodging or units a short walk to the ski hill.  The Snowmass base area has many new restaurants, lodging, and activities such as a climbing wall and ice rink.  The Alpine “Breath-taker” Mountain Coaster now traverses the mountain slopes.  Put the dates of this trip on your calendar and watch for sign up information to be available in the near future.

FWSA ZERMATT MINI SKI WEEK:  Postponed to 2022.  The Zermatt Utah Resort Mini Trip has been postponed until March 20–25, 2022. Participants will have the option to ski/ride Deer Valley, Park City, and Sundance Resorts. Contact Gloria Raminha, Trip Leader:; 661-800-8229.  Stay tuned for further Information.

FWSA 2021 INSIDE PASSAGE CRUISE TO ALASKA:  Postponed to 2022!  There’s still plenty of time to sign up for the Denali Tour and Alaska Cruise.  Participants can sign up for the Denali Tour, June 21-25 or Alaska Inside Passage Cruise, June 25-July 2, 2022, or for the combined two trips.  The Denali Trip starts with two days in Fairbanks, AK, followed by two days in Denali, and ends in Anchorage for those doing this portion only.  The Inside passage Alaska Cruise starts in Whittier and travels southward with stops in Skagway, Juneau, and Ketchikan before docking in Vancouver, BC.  Trip information and registration available on the website or contact Nancy Ellis, VP North American Travel,; (530) 414-8261.