by Hoyt Nelson, Elections Chairperson
Elections are now over. Thanks to those who cast the 49 ballots (a respectable 70% for our club). The results are:
President: Armand Gutierrez
Vice President: The board determined that this position is not needed for our smaller size
Treasurer: Frank Chang
Trip Director: Karen Soo
Newsletter Editor: Judy Bracken
Membership Chair: Tina Woo
Directors at Large: Gregory Wong, Rick Dumlao, Sandy Kiyomura, Curtis Otaguro, Hoyt Nelson
There were a few write-ins, but no more than two for any one person, so they did not affect the results.
Congratulations to all and good luck to the Nisei Ski Club during the coming year. We will plan what social events that are possible under the circumstances and try to improve your skiing experience. We will also promote our club and our Asian heritage, as was the original intent of the club by its founders. We encourage everyone in the club to add their efforts in these attempts.
Special thanks to my wife, Nancy, who did most of the interface with Survey Monkey since she had the most experience with that program.