Discounted Lift Tickets for Mt. Rose for 2016-17 Ski Season

Sandy Kiyomura

Nisei Ski Club is affiliated with the Bay Area Ski Council. One of the benefits is that our members can purchase lift tickets at the discounted corporate price. You can buy tickets at corporate price of $84.15 instead of the at resort price of $109. That’s a $24.85 savings! For information on how to buy your Mt. Rose tickets, check out the flyer on how to buy your Mt. Rose tickets at the Bay Area corporate price.

NSC Trip 1 – Alpine Meadows/Squaw Valley

NSC is planning its bus trip to the North Shore, Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows, dates: March 3 -5, 2017. The sign up form is now available on the NSC website. We were able to keep the same cost as last year. If you’re on the Snowmass trip and have the Mountain Collective pass, you will be able to use your pass on the weekend trip. Please send in your money early so we can plan this trip. We need 35 people to make this trip happen.

December 2016 – President’s Message

Armand Gutierrez, NSC President

Ski Season Officially Opens
ski-dogs The ski season has officially begun with numerous resorts opening during the Thanksgiving weekend thanks to a series of snowstorms to hit the Tahoe area. Of course, these resorts have limited lift operations and perhaps only 5% of open terrain. But still, that’s better than no skiing. Let’s pray to the Snowgods for more snow in December.
Mystery Ski Spot
resort Congratulations to Andrea Stewart and Judy Hom for correctly identifying our Mystery Ski Spot as Sierra-at-Tahoe. It’s been a real long time since I’ve been to Sierra so I couldn’t say where this photo was taken.
Snowmass Ski Week 2017

The Snowmass trip is almost here and hopefully you’ll get in some skiing before the trip. Please send in your final payments no later than December 10th. The Snowmass Orientation meeting will be held on Saturday, January 7th so mark your calendars. This will be an opportunity to meet other members on the trip, socialize a bit, and pick-up the souvenir gift. An Evite will be sent out later in December.

Ride Sharing Service

Last year, Sandy Kiyomura set up a ride sharing service for NSC members to facilitate getting to the slopes with other members. The service is called rideNSC and members can make a post to the group to either offer a ride-sharing opportunity or make a request that you’re interested in joining with somebody that might be going skiing. For information contact Sandy at (

Christmas Greetings

This has been a good year for NSC with the popular Park City/Canyons Trip, numerous hikes, the Week 1 Football pizza social, and what looks like the start of a good ski season. On behalf of the NSC board, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.

Hidden Gems found on Carmel-Monterey-Big Sur Trip

Hoyt Nelson, NSC Vice President

Eight of us met up at the Carmel Safeway and drove about 6 miles south to the Soberantes Canyon trail leading to a bluff that overlooked dramatically crashing waves. Next, after a stop for lunch at the north end of the Bixby Bridge, we sampled a bit of the old dirt road that everyone used before the 2 big bridges were built and drove south to at great view of McWay falls at the Julia Pfeifer Burns State Park. A few miles north of there we finally rediscovered the charming Tanbark trail that lead up Partington Creek (closed for about 10 years due to a forest fire in the area). By the time we reached our next hidden trail off Ribera Road just sout of the Carmel Valley Road, it was too dark to continue. So, we went back to the Safeway shopping center and ate dinner at the Rio Grill. Hopefully, people will find this and another gem in downtown Carmel in the future. Maps were handed out at the start.


Sad News – Ernie Handa (1926-2016)

Ernie Handa passed away on November 19. He was the NSC President during 1970-1971. His memorial service is Sunday, December 11 at 11am. It will be held at the Willow Glen Funeral Home, 1039 Lincoln Avenue, San Jose, CA. For more information and photos, see Ernie Handa’s obituary on Dignity Memorial.


November 2016 – President’s Message

Armand Gutierrez, NSC President

October ended with some long-needed rainfall and now it’s up to November and December to continue that trend. Unfortunately, the recent rains are the product of a leftover typhoon that contained a lot of moisture but not the cold mass of air required for producing snow at our local ski areas. So, let’s hope for a Polar Express, low-pressure system to come in and bless us with snow in the upcoming weeks. Nobody guessed the ski resort in the photo, and the correct answer was Kirkwood.


So, here’s another opportunity to check out your ski resort knowledge by identifying this location.


For those of you that are planning on some early skiing here are the latest opening dates:
Heavenly – November 18
Northstar – November 18
Kirkwood – November 18
Squaw – November 23 (Tram rides only)
Alpine – No date given

Snowmass Ski Week 2017

The Snow mass trip is full with 66 signups. The second payment is due November 10th so be sure to remit your payment if you haven’t already done so. And while the checkbook is open, go ahead and get ahead of the game and make the third payment as well and be fully paid up!

Hidden Monterey to Big Sur Hike – November 13

Hoyt Nelson will be leading a hike on Saturday, November 13 to explore hidden places from Monterey to Big Sur. Carmel and Monterey are quite pleasant in the fall and we will explore a number of lesser-known sights in the area. The club last did this hike in March 2009 but some sights were closed at that time.

We meet at my place in Campbell at 9:30. Bring the usual layered clothing, strong hiking shoes, camera, snacks, liquids and lunch. Bathroom facilities are limited to my place, the shopping center at the Carmel Valley Road, and gas stations in Big Sur. Total hiking is less than 3 mi. but at least 100 miles driving. If we all eat in Monterey, we will probably be back to San Jose about 9pm. Due to logistics, this trip is limited to 15 people. Sign-up early so we can figure out car pooling and parking at various stops.

For more details, download the hike flyer.

For more information, contact Hoyt at


McWay Falls at Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park

November 2016 – Editor’s Message

Election Day is November 8

If you’re registered, make your vote count. Vote on or before Election Day.

election-day-2016 vote
Happy Thanskgiving

I particularly like this Thanksgiving Day thought from Dan Lew, your previous newsletter editor. Happy Thanksgiving.

Give thanks for what you have,
Hope for what you don’t have,
Be kind to others,
Help those who are less fortunate than you

October 2016 – President’s Message

Armand Gutierrez, NSC President

The first rains have appeared and snow has been falling in the Tahoe area. Although the early snowfall has only resulted in a slight dusting of that fine, white powder at least it’s a start for what hopefully will be a good winter season. If you’re a seasoned ski veteran then perhaps you can identify the ski resort in the picture (hint: it’s in California). Drop me a line ( if you think you know the answer.


Click for a larger picture


Coastal Cleanup

Under the guidance of Judy Hom, members of NSC hit the beach armed with buckets and gloves and convened on Crown Beach to pick up litter and trash. Thanks go to Karen Soo, Sandy Kiyomura, Curtis Otaguro, and Winston Fong for helping to keep our bay area clean and a job well done!

September Pizza Social

The September Pizza Social at The Garret was well attended and everyone had a great time. Fortunately The Garret wasn’t that crowded and we were all able to sit at a big round table and enjoy pizza and beer. Although the intent was to watch a football game most of our time was spent discussing a variety of topics, some NSC-related and some not related. I’m hoping to turn this into an annual event with a Pizza Social for Week 1 of the football season.


Halloween Party

Halloween is this month and that means witches, goblins, and all sorts of creatures of the night. Dave Schultz will be your tour guide to a big neighborhood Halloween party so be sure to read his article.

SnowBomb Shows in October/November

The annual SnowBomb shows are coming up this month and November. The San Jose show will be on October 2930 and the San Francisco show on November 56.  We’re looking for volunteers to support the BAC booth at both locations. As a volunteer you get free admission to the SnowBomb event, talk with people about the various clubs that are part of BAC, and do some self-promoting of NSC. Arrive early, or stay later, and visit the other ski-related booths or perhaps pick up something at one of the retail booths that have discounted prices on ski gear. If interested then drop me a line ( or Karen Soo (


Snowmass Ski Week 2017

The Snow mass trip is full with 65 signups. This is way more than I was expecting but I’m glad to have such a great turnout for this trip. There is a wait-list for those that are still interested in going on the Snowmass trip.

October 2016 – Trip Director’s Message

Karen Soo, Trip Director


Fall is just around corner just as the days are starting to get shorter. I’m not ready to put my golf clubs away but it’s a good time to think about the upcoming ski season. Now is the time to inspect your ski and snowboard equipment and see if there are gouges and scratches that needs to be taken care of. Your equipment deserves a good yearly tune up. Check your local ski shops for early tune up discounts.

Our Snowmass weeklong trip is wrapping up its planning stage with Armand leading the pack. There are 64 attendees. While he is finishing up with that, I’ve been planning our weekend trip for 2017.

Save the Date – March 3-5

NSC is planning a bus trip to the North Shore – Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows – Dates: March 3 -5, 2017

If you’re on the Snowmass trip and have the Mountain Collective pass, you will be able to use your pass on the weekend trip.

The good thing about our weekend trip is that cost will be the same as 2015/2016. Please sign up early or give me a verbal. We need 36 people to make this trip happen. If you have friends that are interested in a weekend trip, please bring them along.

We are planning one bus trip for 2017. Surely, we can plan some other weekend car trips.

We will go up during BAC race weekend. NSC can get discounted tickets on those race days. The race schedule is not available yet. As member of the Bay Area Ski Council, we are eligible to get the discounted lift tickets as low as $65.00 per person and you don’t have to race.

Other Trip Possibilities

Another possible weekend car trip to Squaw Valley is to see the Audi FIS Ski World Cup Down Hill races on March 11-12 weekend. Olympic champions Julia Mancuso, Lindsey Vonn and Mikaela Shiffrin will be on hand for the Giant slalom and slalom races.

Mammoth anyone? Ski 3½ days with condo lodging. Again, you can use your Mountain Collective pass here. Please let me know you are interested and if you are available to drive.

We can make it all happen if there are interests out there.

Snowbomb Schedule

Snowbomb is coming to the bay area.

San Jose: Convention Center
• Oct 29 – 30, 2016
San Francisco: Fort Mason
• Nov 5 – Nov 6, 2016
Sacramento: Cal Expo
• Nov. 12-13, 2016

We would like to welcome volunteers to promote our club and talk about our weekend bus trips. You can help out for 2 to 3 hours and get free admission to the show. Sorry as volunteers, you will not be eligible for any free lift tickets.
Please email me if you are interested in helping out –

A Date with Warren Miller

Warren Miller’s new movie called Here, There & Everywhere is coming to the South Bay on November 19th at The Heritage Theatre in Cupertino, 6:00pm showing.

Tickets are $21.00 per person and free swag, like 2 for 1 lift tickets to Squaw Valley/ Alpine will be given out to each ticket holder.

Let me know if you are interested. Maybe we can get a group together and have some pizza and beer afterwards. Armand is buying the first round.

Shopping at Amazon?

If you need something from, check out Amazon through our website at the Nisei Ski Club Website. Our club will get a small percentage from your purchases.

Discounts for Seniors

Looking for some discounted outdoor gear? All you have to be is 50 + and over and sign up at Senior Skiing. Check it out at

On the right side of their website you can sign up for the Promotive deals. is the online community for industry experts and influencers — matches Qualified ski members such as yourself with top brands offering exclusive discounts on all your favorite gear.

We’re looking forward to a great season. If you have ideas for a great season, let me know.

Karen aka Trip Director for how many years now?