Annual BAC A’s Event

Link to flyer

April 2017 – President’s Message

Armand Gutierrez, NSC President

Sad to say but April is here and that means the ski season is coming to a close. Most Tahoe resorts will be closed by the end of April (Northstar and Heavenly), and Mammoth is planning on staying open until July 4th (weather permitting). Squaw Valley usually offers the same closing date but it hasn’t been officially announced yet. Due to the abundance of snowfall this has been an extraordinary season. Hopefully you had a good ski season this year, whether it was at Tahoe or the Snowmass ski week.


Election-buntingWell, it’s that time again for holding our board nominations and elections for the 2017-2018 season. By now you’ve received an email for making your nominations for the board. As you know, volunteers run this club, and without them this club would cease to exist, and it’s been in existence for almost 60 years! You are encouraged to take this opportunity to nominate an individual for one, or more, of the board positions. All individuals that accept the nomination(s) will go through an election process in May, and final results will be announced at the annual June picnic. Ask any of the current board members and I’m sure they will tell you that by volunteering they get back more than they ever gave. By volunteering you will experience social benefits as well as provide a greater sense of self-worth, trust, and lots of fun. Many of you have served on the board in the past, and your efforts were greatly appreciated and perhaps you would like to join the board again. For those that have never served then perhaps now is the time to consider a board position and provide new ideas and useful experiences.

60th NSC Anniversary Vail Ski Week 2018

Yes, 2018 will be NSC’s 60th anniversary and Vail has been selected for our NSC ski week. Our last visit to Vail was in 2008, so I’m hoping to start an NSC tradition of visiting Vail on our ten-year anniversaries. If you’re considering Vail for next year then you might also want to look into getting the Tahoe Local (Epic Pass), which will be good for five days skiing at Vail, plus unlimited skiing at Heavenly, Northstar (excluding Saturdays), and Kirkwood. Tentative date is January 27 – February 3.

It’s Election Time Again

Hoyt Nelson, Vice-President

Every year we ask the membership to nominate prospective members to fill the board of directors for the next  fiscal year (which starts 1 June).  The offices are president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, trip director, membership director, newsletter editor and board member(s) at-large to act as “floater” to help the board as needed.   Do you know another member who has not volunteered, but who would be a good candidate?  See if they are willing to run, or let us know and we will be glad to talk with them.   You can also nominate yourself.    We are looking for people just like you who can make this club even better.  It doesn’t take all that much time since the process of running the club has recently been streamlined.  The board decides when to meet (about 10 times per year) and rotates meeting locations to spread travel evenly.  Also note that annual dues are waived for all board members.

Are you a bit cautious to step up?  Here’s a chance to break out. Do think you have nothing to offer to the club?  Be assured we can find many worthwhile opportunities for you to help.

The duties of board members are as follows:

NSC President

The President presides at all meetings to supervise and direct the club’s affairs, appointing committees as necessary. He/She maintains inter-club relationships, prepares the annual club budget, and administers club operations of club matters via budgets and policies.

NSC Vice-President

The Vice-President advises the president and stays current on administrative matters so that he can take over all duties of the President when necessary, He is an advisor member of all committees and assists in the transition of the new board at the end of the fiscal year. He supervises the election of the NSC Board for the new fiscal year. He/She also promotes and coordinates non-ski events and ensures they meet the club requirements

NSC Treasurer

The Treasurer is the custodian of the club funds. He/She keeps an account of receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer shall disburse funds and bill accounts receivable as ordered by the Board of Directors, render whenever requested, the financial condition of the club, prepare a financial report and submit the necessary reports to the State Franchise Tax Board and the Internal Revenue Service

NSC Trip Director

The Trip Director shall coordinate transportation, lodging, Tour Leader selection, and trip cancellation with the club’s “Travel Arranger”. The Trip Director shall plan and administer all club weekend ski trips. Tour Leader Guidelines and all club winter equipment and supplies shall be maintained by the Trip Director. The Trip Director shall maintain and update Tour Leader Guidelines.

NSC Newsletter Editor

The Newsletter Editor shall coordinate the publication and distribution of the newsletter and SPAM to the membership. The Editor prepares a budget, sets up guidelines for submission of flyers and articles, and publicizes club events through the newsletter and emails. The Editor coordinates email distribution and web publication in coordination with the NSC Webmaster.

NSC Membership Chairperson

The Membership Chairperson shall be responsible for coordinating activities that promote membership in the club and for maintaining the membership roster. This includes contacting other organizations, updating the membership brochure, coordinate sending of the welcome letter to new members, maintain a list of non-members who have attended past events or non-renewed members to publicize club events, and advise the Board on matters relating to membership.

NSC Board Member

The Board Member represents the club in voting on club matters, promotes, supports and assists at club events, and shows hospitality to all participants of events, especially those new to the club.


In a few days you will receive an e-mail from SurveyMonkey with a link to an election ballot form (unique to you, so please don’t  share your ballot with anyone else). Filling out the form should be intuitive. SurveyMonkey will remind you if it doesn’t receive your timely response.  Please look for this e-mail and think about who to nominate. Send any questions to  We look forward to hearing from you.

March 2017 – President’s Message

Armand Gutierrez, NSC President

March is upon us and it appears that our major snowstorms are behind us. Of course, Mother Nature is always unpredictable and she may surprise us with a few more storms this month. With all the snow in Tahoe, Heavenly Valley and Northstar have extended their season by one week to April 23rd. Haven’t heard anything about Squaw or Alpine yet but I’m sure they will be extending their season as well.

Just to give you an idea of how much it snowed in at Tahoe take a look at the two pictures. The boys digging out the ski lift are at Homewood, and the man-in-blue is at Northstar.




March NSC Weekend Trip

Although there’s plenty of snow up at Tahoe there weren’t enough signups for Trip 1 to Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows. Our trip director, Karen Soo, did come up with a car-pool effort with eight people making a trip for a weekend of skiing/boarding.

Snowmass Ski Week 2017

The Snowmass trip was a great trip and everyone had a great time. Based on comments received, the Crestwood Condominiums received top-notch points for their service and amenities. There was plenty of snow at Snowmass, Aspen, and Aspen Highlands (don’t know if anyone went to Buttermilk), and it did snow 1”-2” on Thursday. The Potluck Dinner was one of the highlights of the week. Instead of roaming around in search of condos with food, everyone gathered in the Independence Room at Crestwood feasting on endless tables of food. I would like to thank everyone for coming on this trip, as it was a lot of fun for everyone, meeting new friends, and exploring the various resorts.



Board Nominations

Now that it’s March it’s time to think about Board Nominations for the 2017-18 season. If anyone has an interest in joining the board for the next season and has questions about what it entails then just drop a note to any of the current board members, or perhaps you have someone in mind to nominate for the board. Please keep in mind that the Nisei Ski Club relies on volunteers to be on the board and undertake the running of the club. It’s not all work and no play. Board meetings are fairly informal and afterwards we usually go out for lunch and talk about skiing or upcoming club events.

February 2017 – President’s Message

Armand Gutierrez, NSC President

Happy Chinese New Year!

roosterWelcome to the Chinese Year of the Rooster! Yes, the Chinese New Year started January 28th and if you were born under the sign of the Rooster, then you are an unpredictable person. Roosters are intelligent, bold and are also self-assured. Have you ever seen a rooster strut his stuff? Roosters are very positive and thoughtful, and at times they are very conventional and exaggerated. Do you know anyone in the club that fits the characteristics of a rooster?

March NSC Weekend Trip

2017 is off to a great start with an outrageous amount of snowfall up at Tahoe, and this is the beginning of the ski season! I’ve been tracking the snowfall at Heavenly and the Comet Express chair (Nevada side) is still not open due to the lift being buried in snow. With so much snow at our favorite resorts in Lake Tahoe now is the time to sign up for the NSC weekend trip to Alpine Meadows/Squaw Valley on 3-5 March. Our trip director, Karen Soo, has been making arrangements for this trip and now all we need is for YOU to sign up and make this trip a reality.

Helmet Safety

Recently I received a request to review an article about helmet use on the slopes and the top reasons to wear a helmet. I know that most of the club membership do wear helmets, but if you’re sitting on the fence about wearing one then perhaps this article will be helpful in your decision. As usual, ski safely by knowing your limits and always be in control of your speed.

The Top 4 Reasons to Wear a Helmet on the Slopes

by Deanna Power

While the number of people opting to wear a helmet on the slopes has increased significantly throughout the last decade, there are still many people who don’t wear helmets. While most resorts do not make wearing a helmet mandatory, medical professionals recommend wearing a helmet on the slopes because of the impact it can make on the outcome of an accident. There are several advantages to wearing a helmet when skiing or snowboarding, so there is no reason for you to not wear one when participating in alpine sports.

The Statistics

While there is an excellent safety record for snowboarding and skiing overall, there are inherent risks that comes with any dangerous sport. When you wear a helmet, you can improve your safety and decrease the risks of you being seriously injured in an accident. The most recent data provided from helmet studies reveal that skiers and snowboarders are understanding the benefits of wearing a helmet. According to a study conducted by the National Ski Areas Association (NSAA), 67% of those who ski or snowboard wear helmets while participating in alpine sports.

The study shows that the use of helmets reduces the risks of suffering a head injury anywhere from 30% to 50%, but that decrease is usually limited to the less serious head injuries. Just because you wear a helmet, you shouldn’t participate in risky behavior because there has not been a significant reduction in the number of fatalities on the slopes during the last 9 years.

Four Reasons Why You Should Wear a Helmet

There are multiple advantages to wearing a helmet. Here are just a few:

1. Safety. Research shows that while helmets may not completely prevent head injuries, they can significantly impact the severity of the injury and the outcome of the accident. Most injuries occur when a skier strikes an inanimate object, such as a rock, tree, or the ground. Helmets can play a significant role in reducing the severity of the impact and reduce the trauma that your head suffers.

2. Warmth. Being out on the slopes can be cold. Because the body loses most of its heat through the head, a helmet can be beneficial in keeping you warm. Helmets act as insulators and will keep your head warm.

3. It can hold your goggles in place. When you are skiing, you want to wear goggles to protect your eyes. A helmet can help you keep your goggles in place so you can see better when you are out on the slopes.

4. There are many reasons to wear a helmet, but an important one is that you set a good example. When children and adults see other people wearing helmets on the slopes, they pay attention. You wearing a helmet can lead others to wear a helmet and protect themselves as well.

Choosing a Helmet

When you select a helmet, you want to choose the right helmet for your needs. You want to get a helmet that properly fits. This means that when you strap it on, you don’t want it to shift when you tilt from side to side. There are helmets of different styles and designs. Some helmets are more lightweight than others, but they are usually more expensive. Select a helmet that feels comfortable so you can get a lot of use out from it. If you choose to wear a helmet, you’ll be going a long way in protecting yourself while skiing or snowboarding.

*This article was not written by an attorney, and it’s always your choice as to whether you want to wear a helmet. Just keep in mind that if you wear a helmet, you could be saving lives!

February 2017 – Use rideNSC to find or offer a ride to Tahoe

Newsletter Editor

This is to remind everyone that NSC has established a Yahoo Groups for ride sharing called The purpose of rideNSC is to connect people who need a ride with people who can offer a ride. So, you can offer a ride or ask for a ride. You must be subscribed to the rideNSC Yahoo group.

It’s simple. When you offer a ride, send an email to and state:

  • preferred dates
  • ski areas
  • where you might be staying
  • what the costs will be

Anyone who is part of rideNSC and is interested can respond to you.

Subscribing to rideNSC

Getting added to the group is simple, click on the link – Request to join our email group: rideNSC. You can find it on the right hand side of the NSC home page.

Sandy Kiyomura is the moderator and will approve (or disapprove) your membership. All members of the Nisei Ski Club can join the group. We ask for standard on-line etiquette. That means you should be “adult-like” in your postings. That means no offensive language or say anything that your mother would not approve of.

Questions? Send email to

NSCers can buy discounted lift tickets as a BAC racer

Sandy Kiyomura

BAC has 8 races this year. On those dates, resorts offer BAC racers and their family and friends discount tickets. Each area has its own meeting area for racers. Tickets are normally sold before 8:30am. Look for the racers’ registration area. Last year, Northstar sold the discounted BAC tickets at the regular ticket office (inside). Mention that you are a BAC racer. This year, I’m not sure what is planned. There will be races on January 21 and January 22 at Northstar. Tickets are $66 and $50 for Seniors (over 65).

Date Location Event Description Lift ticket prices
Sat. Jan 21 Northstar Giant Slalom Senior(65+) $50
Adult(20-64) $66
Teen(12-19) $50
Child(5-11) $34
Sun. Jan 22 Northstar Giant Slalom same as above
Sat. Feb 11 Sugar Bowl Slalom Senior(>60) $45
Adult(23-60) $57
Teen(13-22) $45
Child(<13) $21
Sun. Feb 12 Sugar Bowl Slalom same as above
Sat. Feb 25 Squaw Valley Slalom Adult(19+) $67
Teen(13-18) $52
Child(<13) $20
Sun. Feb 26 Squaw Valley Giant Slalom same as above
Sat. Mar 18 Heavenly Slalom Senior(65+) $50
Adult(20-64) $66
Teen(12-19) $50
Child(5-11) $34
Sun. Mar 19 Heavenly Giant Slalom same as above

January 2017 – President’s Message

Armand Gutierrez, NSC President

It looks like 2017 is off to a good start with new snowfall up at Tahoe, and more is predicted in the upcoming weeks. I had planned on getting in a few days of skiing in early December but conditions just weren’t good enough due to limited lift operations and very few open runs. Now that I’m back from spending Christmas with family in New York (actually, Long Island), I’m ready to make up for some lost time. Conditions up at Tahoe look a lot better so I’m planning on getting in my first trip after the New Year’s crowd returns home.

Ski Instructor Course

Ever thought about becoming a certified ski instructor? Well, here’s an opportunity that’s coming up in January for you to take a week-long course on how to become a ski instructor. The course is January 8-13 at Heavenly Ski Resort and total cost is $707. If you’re interested, then you can contact

Heidi Ettlinger, PSIA/AASI-W Education Chair and Course Leader
Phone: 530.318.8661

Snowmass Ski Week 2017

The Snowmass trip is at the end of this month so hopefully everyone has had a chance to get their “ski legs” and be ready for a week of skiing. Aspen Snowmass has been receiving a lot of snow and the majority of lifts are open. By the time we arrive lifts should be in full operation and all runs open. The Snowmass Orientation meeting will be held on Saturday, January 7th so mark your calendars. This will be an opportunity to meet other members on the trip, socialize a bit, and pick-up the souvenir gift. If you didn’t receive the Evite then let me know so you won’t miss this event.

January 2017 – Trip Director’s Messsage

Karen Soo, Trip Director

A very Happy New Year to you and your family! Over 2 feet of snow has fallen in the Lake Tahoe area this past Christmas holiday and we are gearing up to a start of good a ski season.

There is just another month to go before 65 NSC members heads out to Snowmass where they been getting a steady snow fall.Armand will be having his orientation this month and I am planning the Snowmass pot luck for our trip.

NSC is planning its bus trip to the North Shore Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows, dates: March 3 -5, 2017. The sign up form is now available on the NSC website. We were able to keep the same cost as last year. If you’re on the Snowmass trip and have the Mountain Collective pass, you will be able to use your pass on the weekend trip. Please send in your money early so we can plan this trip. We need 35 people to make this trip happen.

Date with Warren Miller

Curtis Otaguro, Greg Wong, and I had a date with Warren Miller’s new movie called Here, There & Everywhere, which was shown in Cupertino. We didn’t win any grand prizes but we did get our 2 for 1 lift tickets to Squaw Valley/ Alpine.

Amazon Link

If you need something from, click on the Amazon link, which is located on our Nisei Ski Club website (right hand side). Our club will get a small percentage from your purchases.


Looking for some discounted outdoor gear?

Are you looking for some discounted outdoor gear? All you have to be is 50+ and sign up at Senior Skiing. On the right side of their website, you can sign up for the Promotive deals.

promotive is the online community for industry experts and influencers. It matches qualified ski members such as yourself with top brands offering exclusive discounts on all your favorite gear.

We’re looking forward to a great season. If you have ideas for a great season, let me know.

Karen aka Trip Director for how many years now?