NSC Rides the Coyote Hills–Plan to Attend!

by Karen Soo

Tired of sitting on the couch watching game shows, movie reruns or depressing news reports?  Let’s go for a bike ride and get some air!  Rick & Curtis are planning a “socially distant” bike ride at Coyote Hills Regional Park in Newark, CA.  Coyote Hills is in the East Bay just north of the Dumbarton Bridge.  The roads are fairly flat dirt and paved roads.  Either dirt bikes or road bikes will do.  Along the way you will experience some marsh wetlands, hills, and salt flats next to the bay.  You may also see a variety of wildlife such as hawks, egrets, ducks, geese, fish, foxes, squirrels, butterflies, sheep, and deer.  Bring binoculars or cameras!

The trip is about 15 miles (shorter options available) and will take approximately 1-1/2 hrs.  We will start & finish at the home of Rick and Patty Dumlao.  There we will gather, get some water and inflate our tires.  Afterwards, we’ll have an optional BBQ lunch, snacks and drinks in the backyard.  Bring an appetizer if you’d like, but make sure it is “Covid acceptable,” i.e., wrapped or packaged for individual usage.

Where:  32452 Jacklynn Drive, Union City

When:    Sunday, October 18, 2020

Time:     9:00 AM, rolling out at 9:30 AM

Cost:     FREE for members and guests 

Bring $5.00 for optional BBQ lunch after the ride. 

SIGN-UP DEADLINE: Friday, October 16, 2020

What to bring: All riders MUST wear a helmet and should carry a pump.  Bikes should be in good condition.  You should bring a water bottle, spare inner tube, patch kit, tire levers, sunscreen, lunch and snacks to share (optional).  Due to unpredictable weather, a light jacket is suggested for cool weather conditions. Bring your mask. We must wear them while we gather and afterward at the BBQ (except while eating, of course).

Directions and Information:  We will send information in a separate email.

Help needed:  Group leaders and flat-fixers needed in case we split up into multiple groups. 

No SAG Support but we will be equipped for flats and minor repairs. 

RSVP: Rick Dumlao       coyotehillsbike@niseiskiclub.org 

Curtis Otaguro coyotehillsbike2@niseiskiclub.org 

*Photographs of this event including participants may appear on the NSC website or in the newsletter.

**All participants must sign the Nisei Ski Club Waiver at the start of the ride.

All are welcome.  Minors under 18 must be accompanied with an adult. 

Let’s Go to the Movies!

by Tina Woo

Once again, the Nisei Ski Club is proud to support the Silicon Valley Asian Pacific FilmFest 2020 taking place from October 2-10. You may recall, last year the club sponsored Alternative Facts: The Lies of Executive Order 9066. Due to Covid-19, this year’s event is an all-digital event which offers flexibility for the film viewer. Over 70 films will be offered in 20+ categories, including documentaries, drama, culinary food and lifestyle, animation, immigration and social justice, and Asian American shorts. These films will inspire, offer hope, make you laugh, think, cry and generate memories.

A festival pass can be purchased for $50, which allows viewing all film packages at one low price. Alternatively, individual films can be purchased for $5 each and some films are “free” with a nominal donation. To view trailers, read a short film description and purchase tickets, log onto https://svapfilmfest.org

Please consider supporting this event which brings films about history, culture, heritage and community awareness.


Our sympathy goes out to the family of Ken Oda, a former NSC member. View his obituary here.

NSC Newsletter, September 2020

You’ll find the newsletter for September below. Enjoy!

President’s Message, September 2020

by Armand Gutierrez, NSC President

September is upon us, and I’ve been receiving the usual advertisements from various ski resorts as a reminder for purchasing their season pass and the new safety protocols for a pandemic ski season. Yes, it will be a different experience on and off the slopes for this season, and I’m looking forward to testing the waters. I’ve been skiing since ’75 and have encountered a variety of situations and conditions, but this year will definitely be a new one. 

Proposed Safety Protocols on the Slopes

While the majority of the resorts in the US are examining their safety protocols for this season, resorts in New Zealand and Australia are already open for business. What can you expect for this year? Here is a list of possible scenarios that are already in place in the land down under:

  • Reservations for those popular days (most likely on weekends and holidays)
  • Limited number of ticket sales
  • Reduced seating for indoor dining
  • No outdoor seating for picnic lunches
  • Contact tracing
  • Wearing a mask when needed
  • Social distance in the lift line
  • Reduced lift seating (e.g. 2 people on a 4-seater).

Perhaps there is a silver lining to the safety protocols. For example, limited ticket sales would translate to uncrowded conditions. And wearing a mask is a no-brainer when it’s snowing.

2021 NSC Ski Week to Breckenridge, CO – CANCELLED

 The Breckenridge trip has been officially cancelled due to lack of sign-ups. Yes, hard to put together a trip when there are only four people signed-up. The last time an NSC trip was cancelled was right after 9/11 and the 2002 Chamonix trip was cancelled. 

If anyone is still interested in going to Breckenridge then please contact me before the end of the month (president@niseiskiclub.org). Air and lodging reservations have been partially released and a few air seats and condo units are being retained in case a small group is still interested in skiing Breckenridge. I can still coordinate with Sports America on air/lodging/ground arrangements/lift tickets, but payment will be direct to Sports America and your trip will not be an NSC-sponsored trip. Cost will be slightly higher since there will be no group rates on ground transportation or lift tickets, and group air rates only apply if there are 10+ sign-ups. You will also have to find your own condo mates.

2021 FWSA Ski Week Trips

Although the Breckenridge trip has been cancelled, there are other ski-week trips available through FWSA. There are two trips scheduled:

  • Sun Valley, 30 Jan-6 Feb. Presently there are 64 signups.
  • Zermatt, Utah, a mini ski-week, 21-26 March, and signups are being accepted. Ikon pass accepted.

All NSC members are eligible to participate in FWSA events. Details for the trips can be found here: 


If you have any questions contact me at president@niseiskiclub.org.

Membership Drive

by Tina Woo, Membership Chair

2020 is proving to be a challenging year, amidst the COVID-19 virus and California wildfires.  Despite these uncertainties, the board of Nisei Ski Club is continuing to meet and discuss plans for this year.  We strive to provide community and camaraderie for our members.  

For fall, we are planning for several events, including a bike ride, a Thai Cooking Demo by Karen Soo via Zoom, as well as attending and sponsoring the Silicon Valley Asian Pacific Film Festival.  The annual picnic and tea dance events are currently on hold.  Feel free to submit any ideas and suggestions for future events. 

San Jose Taiko is offering senior taiko lessons for the month of September via zoom. Check out www.taiko.org.  Classes are less than $10 each.  See the article below about the free taiko bucket-making class on September 2. 

We continue to have one of the lowest membership fees of any ski club in the area. Please consider joining or renewing your membership this year in support of Nisei Ski Club!

Taiko Drum Class

contributed by Tina Woo

San Jose Taiko will be having a free “How-to-make-a-bucket-taiko” class at 1-2pm on Wednesday, Sept 2. You can access the class by using the Zoom link below. No need to register for this class; just click on the Zoom link next Wednesday at 1pm. You will need a 5-gallon bucket or similarly sized plastic trash can OR a sturdy cardboard box (and 2 pairs flat disposable chopsticks if you’re using a box) OR an old tire; a roll of packing or strapping tape, and scissors. 

Click to join the Zoom class:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81238891955

Passcode: 417649Meeting ID: 812 3889 1955

Simply clicking on the above link should get you into the class. If it doesn’t, and it asks for more info, I have listed all of the class info at the bottom of the email.

In lieu of a taiko, you can use buckets, tires, or trash cans that have been covered with tape to mimic a drum head. Examples are here, and instructions are here.  Other things that work:

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81238891955
Meeting ID: 812 3889 1955 Passcode: 417649

Dial by your location       

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)       

+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)       

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)       

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)       

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)       

+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)       

+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

Meeting ID: 812 3889 1955 Passcode: 417649

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kfBvA3dfN

President’s Message, August 2020

by Armand Gutierrez

As we enter another month of trials and tribulations with the pandemic mandates of wearing masks and limiting our social activities, life does go on with video chats, perhaps visiting family, and no longer hoarding toilet paper. Hopefully, whatever you’re doing to keep your sanity is working for you. Our club activities so far have been either deferred or cancelled, but the Board continues to meet, via video chats, to discuss the issues presented and any future events that may be of interest to the membership.

It’s been a year since NSC was designated as an FWSA Historic Ski Club. This year FWSA is celebrating their 90th Anniversary of their founding on October 7, 1930, and for this celebration a 90thAnniversary Commemoration Booklet is being produced. The booklet will feature a list of all the FWSA Historic Ski Clubs and Councils in this collectible edition plus advertising space for clubs to congratulate FWSA on this milestone. The NSC board approved a small advertisement space so our club can be recognized as a Historic Ski Club and to congratulate FWSA.

Now, picture yourself in the 1930s with the latest ski gear and apparel. Does it look like this?

Sign-ups for the Breckenridge trip (23-30 January 2021) are well below what is normally expected for June and July. This most likely can be attributed to a deep concern in going on a ski trip during the pandemic situation. However, I’m hopeful that there will be an improvement in the pandemic situation and there will be sufficient signups to still conduct the trip, albeit with a smaller-than-usual group. If you have any questions regarding the trip please drop me a line at president@niseiskiclub.org.

Recap on Epic Passes

Breckenridge is part of Vail Resorts so you can pick up an Epic Pass for the next season. Once again, Sports America is offering the Epic Pass promotion-trip rebate of $30 for an Epic Local Pass and $50 for a Full Epic Pass. 

Breckenridge is on the Epic Pass, which is also good for Northstar, Heavenly Valley, and Kirkwood. Here is what you need to know about the Ikon and Epic Passes for the Breckenridge trip:

Purchase the Ikon Base Pass (Squaw/Alpine) from Sports America and receive a $30 discount, or purchase the Full Ikon Pass and receive a $50 discount on the Breckenridge trip. However, the Ikon Pass cannot be used at Breckenridge. Go to this link to purchase: https://www.sportsamerica.com/ikon-nisei

  • Purchase the Epic Local Pass (Northstar, Heavenly, Kirkwood) and receive a $30 discount, or purchase the Full Epic Pass and receive a $50 discount on the Breckenridge trip. The Epic Pass can be used at Breckenridge for unlimited access. Go to this link to purchase: https://www.sportsamerica.com/epic-nisei
  • Purchase both the Ikon/Epic passes and you will receive a combination discount based on the type of passes you purchase.

Breckenridge Trip Cancellation Policy

In the event that it is deemed necessary to cancel the Breckenridge Trip due to insufficient sign-ups or resort closure full refunds will be made to all participants. Trip cancellation will have to be made no later than October 1st.

Epic Pass Credit for Shortened Season

By now Epic Pass holders should have received a letter or email indicating the credit for the shortened season. When purchasing the Epic Pass through Sports America the only option is to select the type of pass you want for the indicated price. However, you can submit a copy of your letter/email to Brandon Ruggles (brandon@sportsamerica.com) and you will receive the credit applied to the total price of the pass before it is charged to your credit card. Note this date: September 7th is the last day for the lowestEpic Pass prices plus ten buddy passes. 

Epic Pass Refund Policy

New for 2020-2021 is the Epic Coverage. This is free for all pass holders and provides refunds associated with certain personal events (i.e. illness, job loss, and injury).  It also expands coverage to protect your from resort closures, such as any due to COVID-19. For additional information you can visit this website:  https://www.epicpass.com/info/epic-coverage.aspx

NSC Newsletter, July 2020

Here we are already in the thick of summer. This month, you will find Armand’s message full of important information about the next ski season, including our planned NSC trip to Breckenridge. Don’t miss it!

President’s Message, by Armand Gutierrez

CATS Event July 1

Resources for Caring People

President’s Message July, 2020

by Armand Gutierrez

Summer is officially here, bringing with it several weeks of warm-to-hot weather which is conducive to outdoor activities. The easing of the shelter-in-place mandate is a welcome relief for those of you making those excursions to the golf links, hiking and biking trails, and other outdoor activities. Unfortunately, some of our annual events are still deferred until safety protocols have been lifted, and this would include our annual picnic, Mt. View Obon Festival, and a day at the bocce ball courts. I’m getting the feeling that our Annual Membership and Luau Picnic might become a Pre-Ski Season event.

2021 NSC Ski Week to Breckenridge, CO

Next year’s ski week will be at Breckenridge, CO from 23-30 January, 2021. Breckenridge is part of Vail Resorts so you can pick up an Epic Pass for the next season. Once again, Sports America is offering the Epic Pass promotion-trip rebate of $30 for an Epic Local Pass and $50 for a Full Epic Pass.

Breckenridge is on the Epic Pass, which is also good for Northstar, Heavenly
Valley, and Kirkwood. Here is what you need to know about the Ikon and Epic Passes for the Breckenridge trip:

  • Purchase the Ikon Base Pass (Squaw/Alpine) from Sports America and receive a $30 discount, or purchase the Full Ikon Pass and receive a $50 discount on the Breckenridge trip. However, the Ikon Pass cannot be used at Breckenridge. Go to this link to purchase: https://www.sportsamerica.com/ikon-nisei
  • Purchase the Epic Local Pass (Northstar, Heavenly, Kirkwood) from Sports America and receive a $30 discount, or purchase the Full Epic Pass and receive a $50 discount on the Breckenridge trip. The Epic Pass can be used at Breckenridge for unlimited access. Go to this link to purchase: https://www.sportsamerica.com/epic-nisei
  • Purchase both the Ikon/Epic passes from Sports America and you will receive a combination discount based on the type of passes you purchase.

If you have any questions about either of the passes then drop me a line at president@niseiskiclub.org .

Breckenridge Trip Cancellation Policy

In the event that it is deemed necessary to cancel the Breckenridge Trip due to insufficient sign-ups or resort closure, full refunds will be made to all participants. Please don’t delay in signing up for the trip if you are interested. The flyer can be accessed through the above links or you can click here. It’s also available on both the “Events” tab and the “Ski Trips” tabs above. Trip cancellation will have to be made no later than October 1st.

Epic Pass Credit for Shortened Season

By now Epic Pass holders should have received a letter or email indicating the credit for the shortened season. When purchasing the Epic Pass through Sports America the only option is to select the type of pass you want for the indicated price. However, you can submit a copy of your letter/email to Brandon Ruggles (brandon@sportsamerica.com ) and you will receive the credit applied to the total price of the pass before it is charged to your credit card. Note this date: September 7th is the last day for the lowest Epic Pass prices plus ten buddy passes.

Epic Pass Refund Policy

New for 2020-2021 is the Epic Coverage. This is free for all pass holders and
provides refunds associated with certain personal events (i.e. illness, job loss, and injury). It also expands coverage to protect your from resort closures, such as any due to COVID-19. For additional information you can visit this website: https://www.epicpass.com/info/epic-coverage.aspx