from FWSA Newsflash, May 2021

The Alterra Mountain Company plans to invest $207 million in capital improvements, including $111 million in resort projects at Steamboat, Deer Valley, Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, and Mammoth Mountain; $31 million in enterprise technology systems; and $65 million in resort maintenance and planning.  Pending local government review and approval, Deer Valley plans includeSnow Park Lodge and base area to undergo a complete revision, providing additional accommodations and skier services, new contemporary food and beverage and après options, and an additional ski beach. Squaw Valley Alpine: The highly anticipated Base-to-Base Gondola (B2B) will begin construction this summer. It will provide a connection between the Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows bases—currently a seven-mile drive. Mammoth Mountain: The multi-year Main Lodge redevelopment will create the “Base Camp to the Eastern Sierra,” with a new ski beach, state-of-the-art services, Adventure Concierge Center, an array of boutique dining and retail experiences, luxury lodging and a variety of residential ownership options, complete with club amenities and programming.  This plan is in the permitting phase and scheduled to begin construction in spring 2023.  Steamboat will begin a three-year, $135 million base area redevelopment and on-mountain terrain expansion. Steamboat’s Gondola Square will be transformed into a multi-use plaza with additional dining and après, retail, entertainment, and year-round gathering places. A reimagined guest arrival experience will eliminate cumbersome stairs and provide easy access to the mountain. On-mountain improvements slated for the 2021-22 season—pending additional approvals—include an additional 650 acres of advanced/expert skiable terrain in Pioneer Ridge.  Guest enhancement amenities are expected to be completed by the start of the 2022-23 winter season. 

President’s Message, June, 2021

by Armand Gutierrez, President

It’s June and the start of the 2021-2022 NSC season. Our recent election resulted in no changes to the board. Thanks to all of you that took the time to vote, and you can read the full election results in Hoyt’s article.

NSC Annual Membership Meeting and Luau Picnic

The NSC Annual Membership Meeting and Luau Picnic is slated for late August so mark your calendars. With pandemic restrictions being eased this month we’re counting on having our picnic at Las Palmas Park in Sunnyvale and currently working on making reservations.

2022 NSC Ski Week to Steamboat, CO

Plans are moving smoothly for the Steamboat ski week trip for 2022 and the date is from 29 January – 5 February 2022. A number of people have all ready secured their Ikon Passes for the Steamboat trip, and it’s not too late to get yours if you haven’t done so yet. There is one limitation that we haven’t encountered before and that is airline reservations. We have 36 airline seats booked on Alaska Airlines, but there is a limit of 25 sets of skis that can be loaded onto the aircraft from Seattle to Hayden. Like I said, we’ve never had this limitation imposed on us on previous Steamboat trips. See the attached Steamboat flyer details on the trip and signups.

Steamboat is on the Ikon Pass, and is also good for Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows. Here is what you need to know about the Ikon and Epic Passes for the Steamboat trip:

  • Purchase an Ikon Pass (Squaw/Alpine) from Sports America and receive a:
    • $30 trip discount for an Ikon Base Pass, or 
    • $50 trip discount for an Ikon Pass.
    • Go to this link to purchase: :
    • The Ikon Base Pass is good for five days skiing at Steamboat.
  • Purchase an Epic Pass (Northstar, Heavenly, Kirkwood) from Sports America and receive a:
    • 20% discount offered by Epic Pass
    • $30 trip discount for an Epic Local Pass, or 
    • $50 trip discount for an Epic Pass
    • Go to this link to purchase:
    • Epic passes cannot be used at Steamboat.
  • Purchase both the Ikon/Epic passes and you will receive a combination trip discount based on the type of passes you purchase.

If you have any questions about either of the passes then drop me a line at

QotM: Volunteer: The pleasure you receive will more than outweigh the time you spend.


by Hoyt Nelson, Board Member

The ballots are all in and the results are that the NSC board remains the same as for last year.  There were 26 returns out of 40 members.  There were no willing challengers or write-ins.  This was a fairly large return for a social organization – especially since Covid 19 had such a huge effect on our activities.    It was important to run the elections anyway since our bylaws require it and we need to demonstrate an election to retain our non-profit status.  Thank you all for your participation. We look forward to a more Covid-free, social and snowy coming year.  Don’t forget to  fill out and send in your membership application and dues for the coming year.  Hoyt Nelson, NSC board member at large.

President’s Message, May, 2021

by Armand Gutierrez, President

May is here and that means it’s time to bring an end to the NSC 2020-2021 season. Unlike years past, NSC experienced an atypical season with all of our main accomplishments and events cancelled. Two of our main events, the annual ski week and the annual Luau and Membership picnic were the most significant sacrificial lambs for this season.

But now it’s June, which marks the start of the NSC 2021-2022 season, and it’s time to restart the upcoming season with a return of our standby events and perhaps a few new ones. Beginning this month you can take advantage of the $5 membership discount if you sign up and submit your membership form before May 31st. Please submit your application to Tina Woo (Membership Chair). See her article below for more information.

The board has been meeting frequently because life with NSC does go on.  Plans are in the making for our annual Luau and Membership Picnic, our ski week trip to Steamboat, and a few other events that are in the planning stages.

Board Nominations & Elections

The nominations process has been completed and the next step is elections. The elections chairman (that would be Hoyt Nelson) tells me there were no nominations. Therefore, the slate consists of the incumbents, and we’re fortunate that everyone on the board has agreed to serve again. However, voting is important and although there were no new nominations you can still vote for a write-in candidate. Whether you’re voting for an incumbent or a write-in candidate, it’s important that you do vote. Your vote tells the board that you do appreciate the volunteer work performed by members of the board, so please take the very short time needed to cast your vote. The election ballot using Google Forms will be distributed in the coming week.

2022 NSC Ski Week to Steamboat, Colorado

Next year’s ski week will be at Steamboat, CO from 29 January – 5 February, 2022. Steamboat is an Ikon Pass destination so you can pick up an Ikon Pass for the next season. Once again, Sports America will be offering the Epic/Ikon Pass promotion-trip rebate for anyone that goes on the trip and purchases a pass through Sports America.

Steamboat is on the Ikon Pass, and is also good for local resorts Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows. Here is what you need to know about the Ikon and Epic Passes for the Steamboat trip:

  • Purchase an Ikon Pass (Squaw/Alpine) from Sports America and receive a:
    • $30 trip discount for an Ikon Base Pass, or 
    • $50 trip discount for an Ikon Pass.
    • Go to this link to purchase: :
    • The Ikon Base Pass is good for five days skiing at Steamboat.
  • Purchase an Epic Pass (Northstar, Heavenly, Kirkwood) from Sports America and receive a:
    • 20% discount offered by Epic Pass
    • $30 trip discount for an Epic Local Pass, or 
    • $50 trip discount for an Epic Pass
    • Go to this link to purchase:
    • Epic passes cannot be used at Steamboat.
  • Purchase both the Ikon/Epic passes and you will receive a combination trip discount based on the type of passes you purchase.

If you have any questions about either of the passes then drop me a line at

QotM: Never confuse education with intelligence.

Nisei Ski Club Membership Drive 2021-2022: TIME TO RENEW!

by Tina Woo, Membership Chair

2020 was quite a year!  2020-2021 proved to be a challenging year amidst the Covid-19 pandemic and California wildfires.  With the current widespread vaccine drive, we hope to return to a degree of normalcy in the coming summer and fall months.  Despite these uncertainties, the board of Nisei Ski Club is continuing to meet monthly and discuss plans for this upcoming year.  We strive to provide community and camaraderie for our members.  

The Nisei Ski Club board is excited to announce several events scheduled for the balance of the year.  In late summer we are planning for our annual picnic and are busy researching local parks.  Piggybacking on Karen Soo’s well-attended Thai Cooking demo, she has agreed to conduct another Zoom cooking lesson in September.  Also, our bike gurus, Curtis Otagura and Rick Dumlao, are planning another ride in the fall.  For something new, we are researching a “day” bus trip to a local winery. 

In terms of community, the San Jose Nikkei Matsuri is taking place now until May 8. Please check  for a calendar guide to performances, food, artisans and exhibits.  Nisei Ski Club is also a proud supporter of the Mt. View Obon Festival tentatively scheduled for July.  And, in October of this year, we will once again sponsor the Silicon Valley Asian Film Festival (virtually).

June marks the start of the 2021-2022 Nisei Ski Club season. Beginning May, you can take advantage of the $5 discount if you sign up before May 31.  Download and complete the membership form to be eligible.  We have several events coming up, in addition to the week-long trip in January 2022 to Steamboat, Colorado.  And, we’re certainly open to suggestions for club activities.  I’m hoping you will join us! 


contributed by Judy Bracken, Newsletter Editor

Did you know that if you are a member of NSC, then you are automatically a member of the Far West Ski Association? They also host ski and adventure trips. Usually there is an international and domestic ski trip each year, as well as an adventure trip which might be diving or biking. The 2022 international ski trip is still in the works, but a reliable source tells me that it will be in Solden, Austria, February 25-March 5, with an extension to the Black Forest Region in Germany, Mar 5 – 11.  Here are some other events from the March FWSA News Flash.

FAR WEST 2021 DIVE TRIP:  Coming Up. Spots still available!  The 2021 Dive Trip will be October 9-16, 2021 to the wonderful Anthony’s Key Resort in Roatan, Honduras. We have great pricing for their top-of-the-line Key Deluxe lodging, meals, and 6 days of 3 tank boat dives. The registration forms and additional information are available on the website or contacting Randy Lew at

FWSA SKI WEEEK 2022:  Aspen/Snowmass Resort will be the destination, January 29 – February 5, 2022 for the annual Far West Ski Week.  We will be staying in Snowmass Resort and participants have a choice of ski in/ski out lodging or units a short walk to the ski hill.  The Snowmass base area has many new restaurants, lodging, and activities such as a climbing wall and ice rink.  The Alpine “Breath-taker” Mountain Coaster now traverses the mountain slopes.  Put the dates of this trip on your calendar and watch for sign up information to be available in the near future.

FWSA ZERMATT MINI SKI WEEK:  Postponed to 2022.  The Zermatt Utah Resort Mini Trip has been postponed until March 20–25, 2022. Participants will have the option to ski/ride Deer Valley, Park City, and Sundance Resorts. Contact Gloria Raminha, Trip Leader:; 661-800-8229.  Stay tuned for further Information.

FWSA 2021 INSIDE PASSAGE CRUISE TO ALASKA:  Postponed to 2022!  There’s still plenty of time to sign up for the Denali Tour and Alaska Cruise.  Participants can sign up for the Denali Tour, June 21-25 or Alaska Inside Passage Cruise, June 25-July 2, 2022, or for the combined two trips.  The Denali Trip starts with two days in Fairbanks, AK, followed by two days in Denali, and ends in Anchorage for those doing this portion only.  The Inside passage Alaska Cruise starts in Whittier and travels southward with stops in Skagway, Juneau, and Ketchikan before docking in Vancouver, BC.  Trip information and registration available on the website or contact Nancy Ellis, VP North American Travel,; (530) 414-8261.

President’s Message, April, 2021

by Armand Gutierrez

Spring is in the air and our ski season is fading into history for this season. Although the pandemic established new guidelines for the ski resorts, the ski season wasn’t a total loss. A number of NSCers heeded Mother Nature’s call to enjoy the winter wonderland in Tahoe, Sun Valley, Snowbird, Deer Valley, and other great skiing resorts.

Last year at this time we were facing the challenges of a pandemic and the cancellation of all of our planned events: the Annual June Membership Luau/Picnic, a second Tea Dance, Karen’s Thai Cooking demonstration (deferred), and our ski week trip to Breckenridge. But that was last year, and this year it’s time to return to what we do best – enjoying the camaraderie of all of our NSC friends and family. At our March board meeting we discussed another Zoom Happy Hour (scheduled for 5:30pm, April 9th), Karen is planning another cooking demonstration in May, having our Annual June Membership Luau/Picnic in August, and our annual ski week is in progress for next January.

Frank and Armand’s Excellent Ski Adventure
Before the season ended Frank and I moseyed on up to Tahoe for some schussing down the slopes in pursuit of skiing pleasures, and Mother Nature blessed us with clear, blue skies and good snow conditions. As can be seen in the photograph, Frank met up with some of the wildlife in the area and was prepared to defend his right to ski in the woods. If you’re a Tahoe regular perhaps you can name the resort, and if you really know your way around the mountain, name the run.

Board Nominations & Elections
Well, it’s that time again for holding our board nominations and elections for the 2021-2022 season, and an email for making your nominations for the board will soon find its way to your inbox. As you know, volunteers run this club, and without them this club, 60 years strong, would cease to exist! You are encouraged to take this opportunity to nominate an individual for one, or more, of the board positions. All individuals that accept the nomination(s) will go through an election process in May, and final results will be announced in the June Newsletter. Normally the results would be announced at the annual June picnic, but due to current county requirements the June picnic is postponed. Many of you have served on the board in the past, and your efforts were greatly appreciated and perhaps you would like to join the board again. For those that have never served, then perhaps now is the time to consider a board position and provide new ideas and useful experiences.

2022 NSC Ski Week to Steamboat, CO

Next year’s ski week will be at Steamboat, CO from 29 January – 5 February, 2022. Steamboat is an Ikon Pass destination so you can pick up an Ikon Pass for the next season. Once again, Sports America will be offering the Epic/Ikon Pass promotion-trip rebate for anyone that goes on the trip and purchases a pass through Sports America. For 2021-22 Steamboat will be on the Ikon Pass, and is also good for Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows. Here is what you need to know about the Ikon and Epic Passes for the Steamboat trip:

Purchase an Ikon Pass (Squaw/Alpine) from Sports America and receive a:

  • $30 trip discount for an Ikon Base Pass, or
  • $50 trip discount for an Ikon Pass.
  • Go to this link to purchase: :
  • The Ikon Base Pass is good for five days skiing at Steamboat

Purchase an Epic Pass (Northstar, Heavenly, Kirkwood) from Sports America and receive a:

  • $30 trip discount for an Epic Local Pass, or
  • $50 trip discount for an Epic Pass
  • Go to this link to purchase: .
  • Epic passes cannot be used at Steamboat.

Purchase both the Ikon/Epic passes and you will receive a combination trip discount based on the type of passes you purchase. If you have any questions about either of the passes then drop me a line at .

QotM: If you lack the courage to start, you have already finished.

A Pandemic Cookbook: “Shut in but Never Shut Down”–a collection of multi-ethnic recipes for healthy living

by Sandy Kiyomura

Alameda is very fortunate to have Virginia and Elwin Jang, talented and dedicated volunteers at the Alameda Food Bank. They are both in their later years, and were unable to volunteer at the Food Bank during this pandemic. Having traveled the world and Virginia being a (retired) nutritionist, they wanted to find a way to help the community. Virginia collected and personalized recipes from around the world, using foods commonly found at Food Banks and Farmer’s Markets. Together with Elwin’s help as Taster in Chief and computer guru, they published this 44 page book of recipes. The recipes are culturally diverse, healthy and easy to prepare. I have made several dishes that take no more than 30 minutes. Many recipes promote the use of plant-based, high quality protein foods such as tofu, dried peas and beans.

This book has made my meals more interesting. Below are pictures of some of the dishes I’ve tried: Korean Ground Beef Bulgogi, Jambalaya, and Shepherd’s pie (half eaten). Needless to say, my “tasters” had seconds and thirds; no leftovers here! People who have purchased the book have asked for more copies, and I’m told they are running low.

The proceeds from the book sales benefit the Alameda Food Bank. Books are $10 each, with $5 for shipping and handling (unless you pick up). You can make checks for the books out to me: Sandy Kiyomura, 18 Cheshire Ct. Alameda, CA 94502. However, if you want to make a larger donation to AFB, write a separate check for them. Packing and shipping is $5 for 1-2 books, $10 for 3-4.

NSC March News

Hello NSC members! Below you will find Armand’s monthly message and an article about Sun Valley. If you have something you’d like to share with others, please feel free to submit to me anytime before the end of the month. It doesn’t have to be perfect…I can edit it as needed. Submit to

President’s Message, March, 2021

by Armand Gutierrez, President

The ski season has reached it’s mid-point and optimistically you’ve made your way to the slopes in pursuit of some skiing/riding pleasures. I know that many of you have decided to pass on this year, a number of members have frequented the Tahoe resorts, and some have ventured beyond state boundaries to experience the winter wonderlands of Idaho, Utah, and Colorado. No matter your choice, you are doing what is best for you.

2022 NSC Ski Week
It’s time to start thinking about our NSC ski week for next season and I’m counting on a return to a normal season. Although Breckenridge was selected for our 2021 trip, the 2022 trip will be at a different location.

Board Nominations
Now that it’s March it’s time to think about Board Nominations for the 2021-22 season. Yes, following the presidential election last November now we have the NSC elections coming up. If anyone has an interest in joining the board for the next season and has questions about what it entails then just drop a note to any of the current board members, or perhaps you have someone in mind to nominate for the board. Please keep in mind that the Nisei Ski Club relies on volunteers to be on the board and undertake the running of the club. It’s not all work and no play. Board meetings this year have been online using Zoom, and this will probably continue until it has been determined by the cognizant authorities that it is safe to return to have face-to-face meetings. It is a convenience to attend a board meeting
from the comfort of home, but I do miss the face-to-face interaction and the
lunches afterward.

QotM: To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out
in the cold. – Aristotle