NSC President’s Message, December, 2021

by Armand Gutierrez, President

Last month I posted the opening dates (19 Nov and 3 Dec) for Northstar, Heavenly, and Kirkwood (Palisades and Alpine didn’t have any postings). Well, apparently Mother Nature didn’t get the word about winter activities and those dates passed and the resorts didn’t open. Palisades did open for Halloween weekend but that was just a one-weekend event and skiing was fairly limited. I’ve been viewing the webcams for Tahoe resorts and it looks pretty bleak, and the warm temperatures are hindering snowmaking operations. Perhaps December will bring us that winter wonderland we’re all looking forward to for heading up to Tahoe and get the season started. On the other hand, Canadian resorts are open with plenty of snow and all lifts in operation.

On the topic of the state with the most ski resorts there was only on response, by Sheldon Sam, and he had the correct answer of the state of New York. What, you say? New York? What happened to Colorado or Utah? Turns out New York beat them all with 47 ski resorts.

2022 NSC Ski Week to Steamboat, CO

We’re counting down to our trip to Steamboat and here are some updates:

  • If you’re planning on renting skis then you can get a 40% discount with Steamboat Sports at the following link: https://packages.steamboat.com/packages/package/61850/?code=Nisei_RENT
  • Steamboat will be requiring masks for unvaccinated people, but does encourage everyone to wear masks while indoors.
  • Restaurants are requiring proof of vaccination, so be sure to bring your COVID card.
  • For up-to-date information go to this link: https://www.steamboat.com/the-trail-forward
  • The NSC Orientation is currently scheduled for Saturday, 8 January, and an Evite will be sent out with details.

Christmas Greetings

On behalf of the NSC board I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. 

QotM: The best gifts are the ones not asked for. – Ed Alzate

Not-to-Miss Events!

contributed by Tina Woo, Membership Chair

Tina is always on the lookout for interesting and fun things to do in the Bay Area. These two look fascinating.

SAN FRANCISCO SOUL, Saturday December 4, 2021; 4-5:30 PM

In this work-in-progress virtual performance, BRENDA WONG AOKI, the first nationally recognized Asian Pacific storyteller in the U.S., tells true stories of her family’s 124 year history in the nation’s first Chinatown and Japantown against the backdrop of current times, when these historic cultural districts are being dismantled, replaced by skyscrapers and tech companies, and decimated by the pandemic. This new work was awarded commissions from the Hewlett 50, the National Endowment for the Arts, California State Arts Council, San Francisco Arts Commission, and The MAP Fund. Ms. Aoki tells of memories and moments in this unique performance, using archival images of San Francisco, as well as photographs and multimedia by well known artists. The price is $20 per person or $35 per household. Audience members will have the opportunity to contribute their thoughts at the end of the show.

Get tickets here!


Hidden Histories is a live experience that connects you to the underlying beauty and historic riches of this remarkable neighborhood. Through Augmented Reality (AR) technology, your mobile device becomes a gateway to visions inspired by the milestones that shaped Japantown. You will see and interact with the art, which is overlaid on current-day Japantown.

Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, stories and community of the Hidden Histories of San Jose Japantown. Encompassing the three main Asian communities (chines, Japanese, and Filipino) that established Japantown, you will explore the cultural treasures of this diverse neighborhood with your mobile device.

You can experience the exhibit on your own, or if you prefer, the City of San Jose provided a grant to conduct guided walking tours of the exhibit during the month of December. The exhibit runs through January 15, 2022.

Dates and Times

  • Saturday, December 4th, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
  • Thursday, December 9th, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, December 11th, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.

NSC President’s Message, November, 2021

by Armand Gutierrez, President

Jumping Jehoshaphat! Palisades Tahoe (formerly Squaw Valley) opened on October 29th for the Halloween weekend, three weeks earlier than planned. I don’t ever recall any Tahoe ski resort opening that early, usually it is either Thanksgiving weekend or shortly after.  Other resort openings:

  • Northstar  – 19 November
  • Heavenly – 19 November
  • Kirkwood – 3 December

While on the topic of ski resorts, can anyone name the state that has the most ski resorts? Let me know at president@niseiskiclub.org.

Ski Resort News

  • Steamboat Resort has received approval for upgrades to make it Colorado’s 2nd largest resort.
  • Vail Resorts nixes their reservation system (lift tickets), but vaccine proof will be required for some dining venues.
  • Going to Europe? Ikon adds Dolomiti Superski (Italy) and Kitzbühel (Austria).
  • Sierra-at-Tahoe, Kirkwood, and Heavenly Valley expect to open following the Caldor Fire.
  • Dodge Ridge has new owners, Mountain High Resort. Long time owners Frank and Sally Helm decided to retire and operated the ski area since 1976.

2022 NSC Ski Week to Steamboat, CO

The Steamboat trip is coming up and before you know it we’ll by packed into a giant metal tube and transported to our winter wonderland for a week of skiing, dining, and getting together with our NSC family. As a side note, all members have been vaccinated, but bring your masks in the event that they are needed in Steamboat establishments.

QotM: People who find excuses for their actions will never find the resolution.

NSC President’s Message, October, 2021

by Armand Gutierrez, President

La Niña or El Niño? One brings a lot of rain and the other doesn’t. Do you know the difference? Read on and learn. As we ease into the fall season and greet the upcoming months with cooler temperatures, weather forecasters are up to their ears in data, models, simulations, and predictions. And the latest prediction from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is that there is a 70% chance of wet weather in the Pacific Northwest (that includes us in the Bay Area) due to La Niña, and that translates into snow in the mountains and, hopefully, our winter wonderland in Lake Tahoe. So there you have your answer: La Niña brings wet weather and El Niño brings dry weather. Of course, along with the wet weather, aka rain, we need that Polar Express cold air from Alaska to transform raindrops into light and dry snowflakes. Yes, it’s time to start thinking about the upcoming ski season.

Vail Resorts Ski Operations

If you are an Epic Pass holder you may have received an email providing details on their upcoming winter operations for 2021-2022 for Vail resorts, and this would include Northstar, Heavenly Valley, and Kirkwood in the Tahoe area. This season Vail Resorts is focused on COVID-19 protocols in indoor spaces. Fortunately, our skiing activities are mainly outside, with the exception of on-mountain dining and shopping in the village. The following implementations are designed to combat the spread of COVID-19 while still providing an enjoyable ski day:

  • Mountain access – No reservation system and will load lifts and gondolas at normal capacity.
  • Face coverings – Only required in indoor settings, not required in lift lines, chair lifts, or gondolas.
  • Dining Reservations – Reservations will be required at many of the on-mountain restaurants, and expect expanded seating and dining capacity.
  • Dining Vaccinations – Proof of vaccination will be required at indoor and on-mountain restaurants.
  • Employee Safety – All employees required to have COVID vaccinations.

These protocols are subject to change based on the local public health guidelines and changing dynamics surrounding COVID-19. 

2022 NSC Ski Week to Steamboat, CO

The Steamboat trip is fully booked and all we need is a good winter dump of snow to create our winter wonderland. As a reminder, 10 October is the due date for final payments, so please send those in on time.

COVID-19 Protocols and Vaccinations

Steamboat has issued the following COVID-19 protocols based on recently updated recommendations from the CDC:

  • Face coverings – Only required in indoor settings for non-vaccinated individuals. For vaccinated individuals, masks are recommended.
  • Enhanced Cleanliness and Disinfectant Measures – Steamboat recommends common COVID-19 prevention practices such as facial coverings in public indoor spaces, physical distancing, and practicing healthy hand washing/sanitizing.
  • Like Vail Resorts, these protocols are subject to change based on the local public health guidelines and changing dynamics surrounding COVID-19. Additional information can be found at https://www.steamboat.com/covid.

I have received several requests for condo mates to be vaccinated, and for clarification NSC is not going to mandate that all attendees be vaccinated. However, in order for me to ensure that assigned condo mates are vaccinated I need to know who is, or is not, vaccinated. So, please let me know (president@niseiskiclub.org) if you are vaccinated (or not). One other note – if you are NOT vaccinated you may not be able to board on our United flight, or the airline you have chosen, if the airlines mandate proof of vaccination or a recent negative COVID test.  If you are denied boarding and cannot go on the trip then you most likely will not be able to get a refund since all trip costs will have been paid. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

QotM: If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Let’s Go to the Movies, 2021!

by Tina Woo, Membership Chair

Through the darkness of the pandemic, the hatred, and the divisions within our country, a new sense of self-awareness, purpose, and determination emerged. It is imperative that to move society forward we must work together as a united, global community to make a better future for the next generations. Everyday heroes have taken the lead to bridge relations, cultures, histories, and stories for better understanding, enlightenment, and compassion. We are proud to share those stories with you and look forward to continuing to build a strong community. 

Silicon Valley Asian Pacific FilmFest is a Production of Contemporary Asian Theatre Scene (CATS) a 501c3 non-profit

Once again, Nisei Ski Club is proud to support the Silicon Valley Asian Pacific FilmFest 2021. The Live Film Festival is taking place Friday, October 1 (6:30-11 pm) and continuing thru Saturday, October 2 at the AMC Dine-In Sunnyvale Theatres. For audience safety, SVAPFF is reducing in-person theatre capacity. Alternatively, all of the films can be viewed digitally from October 1 – October 10.  This offers flexibility for the film viewer. You may recall, several years ago, the club sponsored Alternative Facts: The Lies of Executive Order 9066. Over 70 films will be offered in 20+ categories, including documentaries, drama, culinary food and lifestyle, animation, immigration and social justice, and Asian American shorts. These films will inspire, offer hope, make you laugh, think, cry and generate memories.

The film festival is offering different levels of pricing for the Opening Night, Live Festival Passes and film packages.  Tickets for the Opening Night Feature (Paper Tigers), Dinner and Fundraiser are $65.00.  An All Access Pass (opening night and all films screened in person are $125.  A festival pass can be purchased for $25 to view all films through October 10.  Film packages with various themes can be purchased for as little as $7.00. Check the links to view information – https://svapfilmfest2021.eventive.org/welcome.

Please consider supporting this event which brings films about history, culture, heritage and community awareness.

Disabled Sports USA, aka Achieve Tahoe

by Sandy Kiyomura, Board Member-at-Large

Editor’s comment: Nisei Ski Club has once again made a donation to this great organization, so this article is being reprinted from last year.

There is a very special ski school located at Alpine Meadows.  The “Tahoe Adaptive Ski School” was started 52 years ago by a few Vietnam War Vets who were learning to cope with their disabilities. (most amputees).  They were taught to ski by Jim Winthers, a World War II Veteran of the 10th Mountain Division and Director of the Soda Springs ski school. They use specialized adaptive equipment and teaching methods to offer persons with any disability the experience of being on the snow. Many of their students are “Wounded Warriors”. Their mission is “to provide affordable inclusive physical and recreational activities that build health and confidence.”      

Achieve Tahoe is the parent organization of Disabled Sports USA with over 100 chapters in the US. They offer activities off the snow as well, such as cycling, swimming, golf, tennis. My son worked for DSUSA in their Maryland office and had amazing experiences there.  One of his tasks was to organize their events. Once he ran a marathon with an amputee and helped him finish. He played floor hockey on sleds with amputees. They have an annual convention in Breckenridge where 600 Wounded Warriors go for a week of ski instruction and races. (My son was the dealer at their poker night event).  Kirk Bauer, the executive director and a Vietnam war amputee, said in his speech that he had never before seen so many “multiple” amputees.  In previous wars, many soldiers were killed. Nowadays, the injured can survive although they may be missing (multiple) limbs.  Achieve Tahoe works with many Wounded Warriors. 

I had the privilege of working as a volunteer ski instructor with Achieve Tahoe for over ten years.  Although I had taught skiing before, working with disabled skiers gave me lessons in patience, gratitude and humility that I may not have learned anywhere else. I learned to appreciate things I often take for granted. When I have a sore knee, I remember that “at least I have a leg.” When I’m having a bad day, I remember all the challenges my students have in daily life. Some of the students are visually impaired. Many have cognitive challenges as well as physical challenges. Skiing brought them great joy and teaching them brought me great satisfaction. 

For those of you that might be planning an October visit to the Tahoe area, Achieve Tahoe is having a Covid-friendly “Foam Fest” event for the entire month. For a $49 donation, you get a Foam Fest glass and a 16 ounce beer at each of five locations in Truckee. This is in lieu of their annual beer tasting and music festival.

Their motto is: if I can do this, I can do anything. 

Teton Gravity Research Movie

contributed by Judy Bracken, Newsletter Editor

Here is an invitation to attend this fun event and get psyched for the upcoming ski season.

It’s that time of year! Teton Gravity Research is bringing our new ski and snowboard film AND our WhiSKI series back to the Bay Area for several incredible nights of stoke. As a local club involved in the industry, we would love your help inviting your members to these events!

If you haven’t yet, Watch the STOKE THE FIRE trailer

Here are the TGR events coming to your area…

San Francisco, CA   | Oct 7 |   Palace of Fine Arts 

Tickets available HERE! $20 for adults, $10 for ages 16 & under at the early show. VIP tickets are $50 and include a TGR x YETI gift and more.

San Francisco, CA   | Oct 8 |   Delancey Street Screening Room (WhiSKI Series)

Tickets are available HERE and include a Tincup Whiskey tasting, YETI x TGR gift bags, athlete Q&A and VIP screening of Stoke the Fire

Oakland, CA   | Oct 26 |   Starline Social Club

Tickets are available HERE and only $20 each! Two showings: Early Show at 6:30pm, Late Show at 9:00pm. 

Want to be more involved? Our film premieres are an awesome way to connect with the local outdoor community! Please let me know how you would like to get involved and I can send over promotional materials for these events.

Full details and link to share: 

SF Premiere: https://www.tetongravity.com/films/stoke-the-fire/tour/san-francisco-premiere-of-stoke-the-fire

WhiSKI: https://www.tetongravity.com/films/stoke-the-fire/tour/san-francisco-whiski-series-of-stoke-the-fire

Oakland Premiere: https://www.tetongravity.com/films/stoke-the-fire/tour/oakland-premieres-of-stoke-the-fire

NSC Newsletter, September 2021

Lots of information and photos this month about the upcoming ski season, ski trips, the annual picnic, and restaurants in the area. Enjoy your reading!

President’s Message, September, 2021

by Armand Gutierrez, President

Are the Hot August Days and Nights going to extend into September? Much of that depends on how quickly the raging infernos in Northern California and the Sierra foothills can be extinguished and let Nature’s air conditioner roll in and bring that cool, moist, onshore winds to clear our smoky skies. As we do roll into September it’s time to think about the upcoming ski season and what to expect in terms of pandemic-related restrictions.

NSC Annual Membership Meeting and Luau Picnic

The NSC Annual Membership Meeting and Luau Picnic took place on Sunday, 29 August and was well attended, and we were blessed with a comfortable, mild afternoon with just a hint of a breeze. As usual, there was a variety of cuisine that would satisfy the most discriminating palates.

National Ski Council Federation Report (NSCF)

The National Ski Council Federation (https://skifederation.org) was formally established in 1999, and consists of the largest 30 ski councils in the United States and boasts a total membership of approximately 300,000 snow sports enthusiasts. Our local Bay Area Ski Council (BAC) is a member of the NSCF.

In June I attended the NSCF meeting, via Zoom, and picked up the latest information from various ski resorts, ski-related industries, and travel organizations. See the accompanying article for details on what was discussed regarding the upcoming ski season.

2022 NSC Ski Week to Steamboat, CO

The Steamboat trip is fully booked, and a waitlist has been created for one late-signer and possible additional signups. And at our annual picnic there were several members that expressed an interest in going on the trip.

Steamboat is on the Ikon Pass, and is also good for Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows. Here is what you need to know about the Ikon and Epic Passes for the Steamboat trip:

  • Purchase an Ikon Pass (Squaw/Alpine) from Sports America and receive a:
    • $30 trip discount for an Ikon Base Pass, or 
    • $50 trip discount for an Ikon Pass.
    • Go to this link to purchase: : www.sportsamerica.com/ikon-nisei.
    • The Ikon Base Pass is good for five days skiing at Steamboat.
  • Purchase an Epic Pass (Northstar, Heavenly, Kirkwood) from Sports America and receive a:
    • $30 trip discount for an Epic Local Pass, or 
    • $50 trip discount for an Epic Pass
    • Go to this link to purchase: www.sportsamerica.com/epic-nisei.
    • Epic passes cannot be used at Steamboat.
  • Purchase both the Ikon/Epic passes and you will receive a combination trip discount based on the type of passes you purchase.

If you have any questions about either of the passes then drop me a line at president@niseiskiclub.org.

QotM: Followers want to be liked; leaders don’t give a damn – Ed Alzate.

NSC Hawaiian Luau Picnic Sunday – August 29, 2021

by Karen Soo, Membership Chair

Another successful Hawaiian Luau picnic at Las Palmas Park is in the books. This was Nisei Ski Club’s first outdoor gathering since our picnic last year was cancelled due to the pandemic!

With the wildfires near South Lake Tahoe creating smoky conditions, we thought our picnic was going to be a bust. Adding to that, the day before was a scorcher with temperatures well in the 100s.

So, we tried to get the word out to start the picnic earlier. As it turns out, the weather was beautiful and sunny. A nice breeze in the shade helped to lower the temperature. The air quality was moderate and quite clear.  

Thirty past and present Nisei Ski Club members showed up, bringing plenty of food to share. We had vegetarian sandwiches, chicken wings, BBQ ribs, hot dogs, chicken salad, chili, pulled pork, roast pork buns, fried rice and plenty of pasta salads. And don’t forget the dessert and chilled watermelon. A big thank you to those who brought something to share. No one went home hungry.

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We decided not to proceed with the LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER game because of the fear of multiple handling of dollar bills from person to person.  

Everyone had a good time gathering and catching up. If you think about it, it’s been over year and a half since we’ve seen some of our members in person.  The talk of the day was about who was going on the Steamboat trip. The trip is now filled. If you are still thinking about going, please send in your deposit so we can add you to the waiting list.

Look for future Nisei Ski Club events which include a Zoom cooking class and a bicycle ride in October / November.  

Be safe all. Keep wearing those masks if you are in an indoor group setting.