NSC Hawaiian Luau Picnic: Saturday, July 22, 2023

by Karen Soo, Trip Director

Please join us on Saturday, July 22 at Las Palmas Park in Sunnyvale for our annual Nisei Ski Club Luau Picnic.

Time – 12:00pm – 5:00pm

You will receive your Evite invitation in July.

How is Karen going to coordinate the picnic from New York?

Just watch and see.

Please RSVP no later than July 19th, so we can order the right amount of food for the picnic.


Join us and meet your fellow members.

Driving Tour to Alpine Inn Beer Garden

by Carolyn Wong, Nisei Ski Club Member

What could be better than a drive along the backroads in San Mateo County?

Doing it with a group of your best ski buddies.

This driving tour will start at the Steven’s Creek County Park and travel the backroads through Pescadero, along the coast through Half Moon Bay, and end at the Rossotti’s Alpine Inn for lunch.

The Driving Tour is being led by an experienced tour leader. We will travel as a group (caravan) while enjoying the roads and the scenery. Any car is welcome.

Date Saturday, September 9, 2023

Meet at the Stevens Creek County Park main parking lot (drive past the small parking lot on the right and turn left to go up the hill, we will meet in the parking lot on the left near the bathrooms) at 9:30 AM. We will depart at 10:00 AM.

There will be a rest break at the Arcangeli Grocery, known for their artichoke bread, in Pescadero for a rest stop before we head north up the coast.


SAVE THE DATE – Nisei Ski Club 65th Anniversary Dinner

by Jeanne Katsuro, Vice President

Join us and celebrate – Nisei Ski Club’s 65th Anniversary.

A banquet is planned for the following date –

Date: Saturday, November 4, 2023

Location:       China Stix Restaurant https://www.chinastix.net/

                     2110 El Camino Real,

Santa Clara, CA 95050

Time – 5:00pm

Come out and get reacquainted with past presidents and your NSC members.

It’s going to be a fantastic evening!!

For more information, please send updated emails to

Jeanne Katsuro vicepresident@niseiskiclub.org

Here are some pics from our NSC 60th Anniversary DInner in 2018

Nisei Ski Club Recipe Corner – Pork Shumai – Credits Karen’s Mom

by Karen Soo, Newsletter Editor

Hey Fellow Chefs,

Have you seen the prices of Dim Sum these days? Prices has sky rocketed from $5.00 to 6.00 for a plate of Shumai/ 4 pieces.

Here’s a simple recipe that you can make at home. You just need determination and a good appetite.

Shumai or Siu Mai is a dim sum favorite, with an easy pork/shrimp filling. This is mom’s traditional recipe. You can make this in advance and freeze it for future consumption.

Bon Appetite – Julia Child and Karen Soo share the same birthday.



For the Pork Marinade

  • 10 oz. ground pork (280g)\
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon white pepper
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon shaoxing wine
  • 1 tablespoon light soy sauce
  • 3 tablespoons water
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • For the Shrimp
  • 8 ounces shrimp (225g, peeled, deveined, roughly chopped)
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon oil

To Finish the Shumai

  • 3 shiitake mushrooms (soaked and finely chopped)
  • 2 slices ginger (grated; may substitute 1 teaspoon pressed ginger juice)
  • 2 scallions (very finely chopped)
  • 2 teaspoons oyster sauce
  • 20 egg dumpling wrappers (circular shaped)
  • frozen peas (optional)


1.To make the filling, start by mixing the pork with all the marinade ingredients. Stir the ground pork in one direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) for 5 minutes, until it resembles a fine paste. In a separate bowl, mix the chopped shrimp with salt and oil. Mix one direction for 1 minute and set both mixtures aside in the fridge while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.

2. Chop the shiitake mushrooms, ginger and scallions. Add these to a large bowl along with the pork mixture and shrimp mixture. Add the oyster sauce to the bowl, and stir the whole thing together in one direction for 5 minutes. You can also do this in a food processor, but I think mixing by hand gives it a better texture. The filling is ready.

3. Lightly brush the bottom of your steamer with oil or line it with damp cheesecloth. You’re ready to assemble the shumai. Take a wonton skin and add about 1 ½ teaspoons filling to the center. Follow the photos and turn up the sides of the wonton skin around the filling. Lightly squeeze to shape the shumai. Add the green peas to the top for decoration, if using, and place in the steamer. Space the shumai about 1 inch apart.

4. Steam the shumai for 12 minutes over medium to high heat. Enjoy them while they’re hot!

Tips & Notes

Recipe makes about 20 dumplings. I would double this recipe and freeze the extras for another day.

Poung! Seurng! Sik — Mah Jong!

by Judy Hom, Janet Gee, Nisei Ski Club Members

It was a cloudy June morning that eventually cleared to sunny skies at Judy’s and Winston’s spacious backyard in Castro Valley. Sixteen eager Mah Jong learners gathered to become more skilled, with beginners starting with the basics, to intermediates fine-tuning on the more complicated traditional scoring.

Of course, first we had to dine on all the scrumptious eats that everyone brought to the potluck, including spam musubi, inari sushi, grilled veggies, fruit and green salads, mapo tofu, pork, spaghetti, garlic bread, meat balls, apple and chocolate carrot cakes.

After we were sufficiently stuffed, at Jeanne’s table, newbie Roland took advantage of his beginner’s luck to the dismay of Kelvin, Toy and Tony.  Judy started her intermediate’s table playing in clockwise direction, but Jackie. Joyce, Curtis, and Greg didn’t have any trouble reversing to the correct counter-clockwise direction mid-way through the afternoon. Curtis had the highest scoring hand of the day at the intermediate table.

Angie imparted her trove of mah jong knowledge to her table of beginner players, Lennie, Carol, Amy, and Mark including practices like not going to the bathroom and washing away your luck. Janet’s table of Bev, David, Sarah and Sandy had lots of neuron-growing discussions on strategy related to points; Sarah gave up her cold seat to Winston, who turned up the heat MJ’ing on a string of winning hands, with Rod delivering a few assists.

A fun time was had by all, such that everyone stayed two hours past the planned ending time to keep playing!  Thanks to the Fong’s for their wonderful organization and hospitality, and to Sandy who donated MJ sets to two lucky attendees. CLICK ON EACH PICTURE TO SEE LARGE FORMAT

Even the pooches had a great time together.

NSC President’s Message, June, 2023

by Armand Gutierrez, President

It’s June and the start of the 2023-2024 NSC season. Our recent elections resulted in several changes to the board – three board members “retired” from the board and we have one former president joining as a board member and two new board members. Thanks to all of you that took the time to vote, and you can read the full election results in Jeanne Katsuro’s article.

NSC Annual Membership Meeting and Luau Picnic

The NSC Annual Membership Meeting and Luau Picnic is scheduled for July 22nd/ Saturday so mark your calendars. As usual the club will be providing beverages and a lunch entree and you can bring a favorite side dish. Details will be on the Picnic Flyer.

Mt. View Obon Festival

The festival will be held 15-16 July so mark your calendars for this annual event. In the past organizers of the festival have asked NSC for volunteers to work the various booths (especially the Beer Booth). Well, this year they have reached out to Karen Soo to see if NSC would be able to provide volunteer support for this year. Details are still forthcoming but keep the dates open if you would like to volunteer.

FWSA 90th Annual Convention

The FWSA 90th Annual Convention is being held from 15-18 June, in Boise, ID. I’ll be attending (16-18 June) in two capacities: 1) to assist Debbie Stewart (VP International Travel) with the Silent Auction and her Snow Sports Leadership Academy presentation, and 2) to provide NSC representation.

2024 NSC Jackson Hole

The 2024 NSC Ski Week will be at Jackson Hole from 27 January – 3 February. Currently I’m waiting for the lodging rates to become available and for Sports America to send me a proposal. I’m anticipating 70+ signups since Jackson Hole is a very popular ski resort.

Upcoming Events –

Judy H and Jan G – Learn to play Mah Jong Saturday, June10th

Hoyt Nelson – NSC Bocceball Event Saturday, June 24th

QotM:  You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.

NSC Picnic – Saturday July 22

Introducing your 2023-2024 Newly Elected Nisei Ski Club Board Members..

by Jeanne Katsuro, Vice President

Congratulations to our Newly Elected Board Members for 2023-2024

President – Armand Guitierrez

Vice President – Jeanne Katsuro

Trip Director – Karen Soo

Treasurer – Frank Chang

Newsletter Editor – Karen Soo

Membership Chairperson – Tina Woo

Board Members:

          Curtis Otaguro

          Joel Hayashida

          Roland Lee

          Jeff Honda

We want to thank our Past Board Members who have served on the Nisei Ski Club as Officers and Board Members for many years. We appreciate all your hard work and devotion to Nisei Ski Club.

Hoyt Nelson – at least 30 years joined in the mid 1970’s

Rick Dumlao – 5 years joined 2012

          David Schultz – 4 years joined in 2018

We also welcome new board members.

          Joel Hayashida, Past Nisei Ski Club President for coming back as a Board member

          Roland Lee, a Nisei Ski Club Member accepting the role of New Board member

          Jeff Honda, a brand-New Nisei Ski Club Member accepting the role of a New Board member

We are excited about having new energy on our Board to help us grow our club with new and exciting ideas for Ski and Social Events.

Congratulations again!

Mountain View Obon – Volunteers Needed

by Karen Soo, Newsletter Editor

Come on out and volunteer your time to help the local community.

Mountain View Buddhist Temple is having their annual Obon Festival.

Dates – Saturday, July 15th and Sunday, July 16th.

Save those dates. We would like our members to participate and lend a hand with the bazaar.

In the past years, Nisei Ski Club members had volunteered at the Obon Festival beer booth. You know how that goes. A little pour, a little sip on the side. BURP..

This year, the Mountain View Buddhist Temple (MVBT) Obon Festival bazaar committee members are developing an online volunteer sign-up page for the various activities and booths leading up to the bazaar and during the two-day bazaar on Saturday, July 15th and Sunday, July 16th

At this time, the sign-up site is still in “the work in progress” stage and will not be ready for the June newsletter.

We will keep you up to date as we get more information.

Thank you for stepping up to the plate to VOLUNTEER!

Nisei Ski Club Bocceball Party

by Hoyt Nelson, Board Member


The place has bathrooms, water fountains, picnic tables and 4 very nice courts.  Also there is an enjoyable half mile path around the lake.  Haven’t played before?  Basically, you roll your bocce ball as close as possible to a small target ball (called a pallino) for points.  Teams can be 1, 2 or 4 per end. 

DIRECTIONS: From hwy 85 going SE, take Almaden Expwy.  S (Left) for about a mile. Turn L onto Coleman Rd. and turn R onto Winfield Blvd. (1st stop light) toward the Lake.  Parking is free on both sides of the road.  Park near the entrance shack near the end of the road near a Stop sign or pay $5 at the shack to park inside if necessary.  The courts are toward the lake about 100 ft. from the road near the entrance shack.  There is a sign nearby with basic rules. 

 We will meet at the courts at 10AM The courts are free (first come, first served).   I and several other members have bocce ball sets.  You can bring lunch or meet others for lunch locally after the games. 

To sign up, contact Hoyt Nelson at bocce@niseiskiclub.org Hope to see you there.

The Art of Playing MahJong..

by Judy Hom, Janet Gee, NSC Members

Do you want to learn how to play MahJong but don’t know anyone who can teach you? Then, sign up for the NSC Mah Jong class and potluck! Judy Hom and Janet Gee will teach you the basics so you won’t be intimidated to play with others. We will focus on the Cantonese style where we play with 13 tiles and flowers. If Mah Jong is on your bucket list, then sign-up! When you sign up, you will receive a cheat sheet and a list of MahJong resources. We know that all NSC members like to eat so this is also a potluck event. 

Date:            Saturday, June 10th

Time:           11am – 3:pm

Where:         Judy and Winston’s backyard, 18995 Carlton Avenue, Castro Valley

Cost: $5 for members and $10 for non-members. Bring a potluck dish to feed 4 or more.

Please bring your own water bottle, beverages will be provided. 

Space is limited to 16 sign-ups. Pls RSVP by June 5th.

Please fill out a form for each person that is attending. For more information, please email Judy at mahjong@niseiskiclub.org.