Magnificent Trip to Niagara Falls & Eastern Canada

by Jeanne Katsuro, Vice President

HI I will be leading a non-skiing weeklong trip to Niagara Falls and Eastern Canada on October 11- 19 2024.

Check out the information below. Its a great deal for the cost.
Sign up early before April 11, 2024 to secure the cost. Prices will go up after this date.

Collette Trip Insurance:

The Official Nisei Ski Club Recipe Book -Pea Salad – Credits – Carol Takeda

by Karen Soo, Newsletter Editor

In  the summer of 2022, I attended the NSC picnic at Las Palmas Park in Sunnyvale. Food was always the main focus at NSC events. There were plenty of pot luck dishes to try. One particular pot luck dish that stuck to my mind was Carol Takeda’s Pea Salad.

This salad was simple and crunchy. The best part… it contains bacon. YUMS.

The recipe calls for one teaspoon of Beau Monde seasoning. I had never heard of this seasoning but I googled it and you can get a jar on Amazon.

You can also make your own Beau Monde seasoning. See the simple recipe below.

Or be like Carol and don’t put it in at all.

Bon Appetite – Julia Child and Karen Soo share the same birthday.

Preparation Time: 30 minutes Servings: 4


  • 2 bags petite frozen peas, thawed
  • 3/4 Cup sour cream
  • 2 tbs mayonnaise
  • 1 tsp Beau Monde seasoning
  • 1 stalk celery, finely chopped
  • 1/4 c red onion, finely chopped
  • 1 pound bacon cooked and broken into pieces
  • Pepper to taste
  • Spanish Peanuts

1. Make dressing with Beau Monde seasoning, sour cream and mayonnaise.

2. Chop celery very fine.

3. Chop onions very fine.

4. Mix altogether with the peas. Before serving add the Spanish peanuts and crispy bacon

Beau Monde Seasoning

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon white granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon celery seed

Toss it in a jar with about 6 – 10 grains of rice if you live in a humid environment and plan on opening and shutting the jar a few times over a couple of months. Shake it up good, that’s pretty much it.

Chinese Horoscope 2024 – Year of the Dragon

by Karen Soo, Newsletter Editor

Happy New Year!!

The Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, signals the beginning of a new cycle in the Chinese zodiac, from one animal to another. 2024 welcomes the Year of the Dragon, which begins on February 10.

In Chinese mythology, the Dragon is a symbol of strength, courage, creativity and innovation.

2024 is expected to be a year of potential and opportunity.

People born in the Year of the Dragon are said to be charismatic, ambitious, adventurous, and fearless. They are also confident, independent, and visionary.

Check out your horoscope in the Year of the Dragon 2024.

Love Is in the Air!!

by Karen Soo, Newsletter Editor

Happy Valentines Day!!

Just a friendly reminder Valentine’s Day is February 14th. Don’t forget to get your sweetheart flowers, chocolates and a Valentine’s Day card. Date the card!!

Here are some of my favorite “Love” tunes to get you into that romantic mood. See if you remember these hits.

One of my favorites
A classic..
Do you remember the words?

Let’s Make A Deal..

by Karen Soo, Trip Director


Nisei Ski Club member Allen Hu has a brand new ski boot to sell. Unfortunately. the boot is too tight for him. Send him an email if you are interested. or speak to him at the Jackson Hole Trip.


S​/Pro 120 Ski Boots 2020 – Men’s

Item No 935831 Condition – NEW

Size 25.5

Original Price – $699.95

NOW – $379.00


NSC President’s Message, January, 2024

by Armand Gutierrez, President

Welcome to the Chinese Year of the Dragon! Yes, the Chinese New Year starts February 10th and celebrations culminate with the Lantern Festival on February 17th. People born in the year of the Dragon (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, etc.) are often considered to be charismatic, ambitious, adventurous, and fearless.

It was with hopeful anticipation that pursuing my skiing pleasures would come to pass before the Christmas holidays, but alas, Mother Nature just wasn’t cooperating. The snow conditions at Tahoe were less than ideal and the three major resorts (Northstar, Palisades, and Heavenly) were only operating 2-3 lifts and only a handful of bunny runs, not quit enticing enough for me to make a 4-hour drive to Tahoe. So, another season is starting late for me. But, recent weather patterns look favorable for more snowfall and an early January trip looks very promising and I need to get on the sticks before Jackson Hole.

2024 NSC Jackson Hole – 27 January to 3 February

Our ski week to Jackson Hole, a skiers mountain, is coming up at the end of the month. Jackson Hole has been receiving some good snowfall and, as I always say, more is better. The Jackson Hole Orientation meeting is on Saturday, 13 January and the Evite has been sent out, so let me know if you did not receive the Evite ( Come by if you can to pick up your souvenir jacket, luggage tags from Sports America, and to meet and greet your fellow skiers.

QotM: Every time someone comes up with a foolproof solution, along comes a more-talented fool.

Magnificent Trip to Niagara Falls & Eastern Canada

by Jeanne Katsuro, Vice President

VP Jeanne Katsuro is leading a non-skiing weeklong trip to Niagara Falls and Eastern Canada on October 11- 19 2024.

Check out the information below.
Sign up early before April 11, 2024 to secure the cost. Prices will go up after this date.

Collette Trip Insurance:

The Official Nisei Ski Club Recipe Book -Nikkei Matsuri Chinese Chicken Salad – Credits – Cindy Low

by Karen Soo, Newsletter Editor

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024

Eating and gathering were always centered around our club and club members.

This year I will be posting recipes from The Official Nisei Ski Club Recipe Book.

Recipes from this book were used at many NSC events. The weekend ski trips, annual picnics and pot luck parties.

The first NSC Recipe Book was written in 1975. This was immediately followed by another book in 1997. Annie Ogata was NSC president 1997-1998 and NSC was celebrating the 40th anniversary.

Just a reminder, we just celebrated NSC 65th Anniversary in October 2023

In 2005, Judy Hom and Winston Fong printed copies of our cookbook and sold copies at Nikkei Traditions. This was a way to raise money for our club.

Maybe we can bring this cookbook back? Who is interested in The Official Nisei Ski Club Recipe Book? Send me an email.

The first recipe is our famous Chinese Chicken salad that we made and sold at the annual Nikkei Matsuri in Japan town in San Jose.

We sold Chicken Salad as a fund raiser. We sold over 2000 bowls of chicken salads.

The preparation took 2 days and 60 members to cook and shred the chicken, clean and cut the lettuce and finally mixing the salad dressing. We had to follow food temperature protocol and made sure the salad is chilled properly before selling to the public.


Bon Appetite – Julia Child and Karen Soo share the same birthday.


Reprinted from the Nisei Ski Club Recipe Cookbook

1976 – 1977 was a drought year and NSC made Chicken Salad for a fund raiser at the San Joe Japanese American Community Bicentennial Celebration. This has since become known as Nikkei Matsuri and NSC made $400.00 from sales of the salad with this recipe!

Preparation Time – 1 day ahead Serving: 4,000 bowls


  • 250 pounds chicken breasts, cooked and shredded
  • 400 pounds lettuce, shredded
  • 1,200 stalks of green onions, chopped
  • 40 bunches Chinese parsley, chopped
  • 35 pounds rice sticks, deep fried according to package directions.
  • 10 pounds sesame seeds, toasted


  • 20 pounds sugar
  • 12 cups salt
  • 4 cups Ajinomoto
  • 1 ½ pounds extra fine ground pepper
  • 3 gallons sesame oil
  • 6 gallons vinegar
  • 13 gallons salad oil

In a 30-gallon pot, mix dressing ingredients vigorously. Stabilizer may be used to make the dressing thicker, approximately 1 cup. Combine salad ingredients just before serving and mix with dressing.

Here’s the ingredients for smaller proportions:

  • 1 head lettuce, shredded
  • 3 stalks green onions, chopped,
  • Few sprigs Chinese parsley
  • 2 oz rice sticks, dep fried according to package directions
  • 2 tbsp sesame seeds, toasted (slivered almonds, optional)


  • 2-3 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp Ajinomoto
  • ½ tsp extra fine ground pepper
  • 1 Tbs sesame oil
  • 3 Tbs vinegar
  • 3-4 Tbs salad oil

Here are some pictures from the last time we participated at Nikkei Matsuri in 2011, 2010 and 2008

Skiing at 104, Can You Make It That Far?

by Karen Soo, Trip Director

Klaus Obermeyer is 104 years old and still telling great ski stories.

While Klaus no longer turns down Buttermilk, he is still present in the office and is active every day stretching and practicing Aikido.

Read his incredible story here.

Breckenridge’s Ullr Fest Record Holder for the Longest Shot-Ski

by Karen Soo, Trip Director

During the time I worked for Marmot, we would attend the annual sales meeting at Lake Tahoe. After the meetings, we would mingle and talk to the sales people. Dinner and drinks led to the our shot ski competition. Basically taking shots from a shot glass that was attached to the ski. The goal was to take shots without spilling any whiskey. 3 people standing shoulder to shoulder.

Breckenridge just broke the record for the longest Shot-Ski with 485 skis connected together, 2469 feet long and connecting 1377 people.

Check it out here