Celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

by Karen Soo, Newsletter Editor

Each May, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month celebrates the culture and contributions of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islander Americans.

From parades to performances, AAPI Heritage Month is full of opportunities to learn more about the AAPI community.

In a speech on April 30, President Joe Biden reflected on the importance of AAPI Heritage Month.

“From Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders whose ancestors have called their lands home for hundreds of years, to Asian immigrants who have newly arrived and those whose families have been here for generations — AA and NHPI heritage has long been a part of the history of our great country and a defining force in the soul of our Nation,” he said.

“As artists and journalists, doctors and engineers, business and community leaders, and so much more, AA and NHPI peoples have shaped the very fabric of our Nation and opened up new possibilities for all of us.”

The month-long celebration is steeped in decades of history. Though the AAPI community has been honored in May since the 1970s, AAPI Heritage Month wasn’t recognized as an annual federal observance until 1992. Ahead of the May celebration, take a moment to learn more about AAPI Heritage Month, the holiday’s history, and how you can participate in the festivities.


“Altitude with Attitude”

Far West Ski Association’s 91st Annual Convention will be held in Reno, Nevada, the “Biggest Little City in the World.”  Hosted by the Bay Area Snow Sports Council & Sierra League & Council, Far West is looking forward to coming back to Reno, Nevada, June 6-9, 2024.


Debbie Stewart, FWSA, VP of Int’l Travel


Now that we’re approaching the end of ski season and are looking towards adventure travel…

We are still accepting registrations for the FWSA 2024 Africa trip…tell all your friends and come join us!

I have attached the flyer and registration packet.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Only in New York..

by Karen Soo, Newsletter Editor

It’s May and its not even Halloween. I was in the subway waiting for my train and I asked her, What’s with the get up?

She told me she was going to a party at The Fashion Institute of Technology.

I said “Cool.. I went there ion years ago. Can I take a picture of you?”

She was ready to strike pose.

Only in New York.

NSC President’s Message, April 2024

by Armand Gutierrez, President

April is here and that means two things: taxes and resort closings. Not much you can do about taxes, but if you’re thinking of skiing in April then think spring conditions: a little firm in the morning, getting better between 10am – 2pm, then soft and slushy and sticky. Here is a list of resort closings:

April 14 – Northstar

April 21 – Heavenly

April 28 – Kirkwood and Mt. Rose

May 27 – Palisades/Alpine (weather and conditions permitting.)

May 27 – Mammoth

The 2025 NSC Ski Week will be at Sun Peaks, BC from 25 January to 1 February. So mark your calendar and start planning on a ski week to Canada’s second largest resort with 4,700 skiable terrain acres. Also, check your passport’s expiration date. Sports America has posted the Epic/Ikon links for the 2024-2025 season and are offering a 6.5% trip rebate if you purchase the passes from Sports America and go on the Sun Peaks trip:

Use this for Epic passes: https://www.sportsamerica.com/epic-nisei

Use this for Ikon passes: https://www.sportsamerica.com/ikon-nisei

Password: snow

Questions: contact president@niseiskiclub.org

Board Nominations & Elections

Well, it’s that time again for holding our board nominations and elections for the 2024-2025 season, and an email for making your nominations for the board will soon find its way to your inbox. As you know, volunteers run this club, and without them this club would cease to exist, and it’s been in existence for over 65 years! You are encouraged to take this opportunity to nominate an individual for one, or more, of the board positions. We do have an opening for Membership Director as Tina Woo is retiring from that position. All individuals that accept the nomination(s) will go through an election process in May, and final results will be announced in the June Newsletter. Many of you have served on the board in the past, and your efforts were greatly appreciated and perhaps you would like to join the board again. For those that have never served then perhaps now is the time to consider a board position and provide new ideas and useful experience.

QotM: A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.

NSC Spring Livermore Hike & Stroll

by Joel Hayashida, Board Member

Join the NSC for a late spring Bay Area hike at Sycamore Grove Park in Livermore, and continue the fun by strolling the Downtown Livermore district “après hike” and explore the shops, brewpubs, and eateries led by former NSC President, Joel Hayashida.  We will follow a mostly level (50’ elevation gain) ~3.25-mile loop following the Winery Trail/Loop.  Along the way, we will see late spring flowers, trees, a stream, and perhaps wildlife!  Park at the Wetmore trailhead.  The parking fee is $5 per vehicle and the kiosk accepts major credit cards and cash.  Bring: hat, sunscreen, sturdy shoes, water…  Downtown activity will be ad hoc but with a plan.

Saturday, May 25 2024 (Meet at @9AM): Sycamore Grove Park & Downtown Livermore

Nisei Ski Club Tiburon Loop Bike Ride

by Roland Lee, Board Member

Join Nisei Ski Club for bike ride around the Tiburon Loop on Saturday June 15th,

See the attaché Flyer below

Best of Eastern Canada – Nisei Ski Club’s First Vacation Week Trip. ( NO Skiing – Just FUN!)

by Jeanne Katsuro, Vice President

Sign up now before April 11. PRICE WILL GO UP AFTER APRIL 11.

The Easiest Way to Sign up for the Eastern Canada Vacation is to hit hyperlink below & sign up under Nisei Ski Club # 1197844

1. Sign up Online   https://gateway.gocollette.com/link/1197844

   Typing your own information assures all that it is correct

   Pay by credit card and get points!

   Collette Travel Insurance covers more than Trip Cancellation. It covers Medical Expenses and more.

2. Complete the Nisei Ski Club Membership Form

     Fill out the Form and Send it to Tina Woo Membership Chairperson

     With a Note that it is for June 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025 Fiscal Year

     Sign up before May 31 ~ Early Bird Registration at $25 versus $30

     See Attachment for here. Membership Form

  • Transportation to the San Francisco Airport
    • Flight to and from Toronto
    • All the Excursions everyday including 
    • Niagara Falls – Maiden of the Mist the boat ride
    • Niagara on the Lake
    • Thousand Islands National Park
    • Ottawa
    • Quebec City
    • Montmorency Falls
    • Maple Sugar Shack
    • Montreal
    • 9 days
    • 12 Meals – 8 Breakfasts and 4 Dinners

After April 11, the Price goes up! ——Sign up now!

Collette Trip Insurance: https://partner.travelexinsurance.com/policy/?plannumber=365ZA-0123

1. Cost of the Trip including the Deposit

The Cancellation for Any Reason ~ No Medical Reason Needed

2. Emergency Medical Expenses Covered in Canada

Medical needs including hospitalization up to $50,000  

Note: Your medical insurance policy may not cover medical expenses in another country

3. Travel Delay Coverage:    Example: If your travel partner needs to stay in a Hospital for any Medical Emergency, your expenses to stay in Canada with your partner will be covered up to $150/day up to $2100

4. Emergency Dental Expenses ~ $750

5. With the Collette Travel Insurance there is No Deductible.

This is Amazing insurance! It includes more than mentioned above.

Collette Registration Form https://www.niseiskiclub.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/3_Collette-East-Canada-Registration-Form-NEW.pdf

Collette Credit Card Authorization Form https://www.niseiskiclub.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/4_Collette-Credit-Card-Authorization-Form-NEW.pdf

I am excited that you are going to Canada with us! Jeanne

Nisei Ski Club Recipe Corner – Miso Salad Dressing – Credits – Haruko Nagashi

by Karen Soo, Newsletter Editor

This month we are going back to posting recipes from the NSC recipe book.  Do you have left over miso paste that was needed for one or 2 recipes and then it’s tucked away in the back of your refrigerator? The poor miso paste is forgotten and just waiting to come out to see the daylight again.

Here’s a great way to use up your miso paste. This salad dressing recipe is clean and not made with any preservatives like those bottled brands.

Try it!

Bon Appetit – Julia Child and Karen Soo share the same birthday.

Preparation time: 10 Minutes

Servings: 1/3 cup – Enough for 1 or 2 salads


  • 1/4 – 1/2 tsp graded ginger w juice
  • 2 Tbsp White Miso
  • 1/2 tsp soy sauce
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 3 Tbsp rice vinegar
  • 2 ½ Tbsp salad oil / neutral oil
  • 1/2 Tbsp sesame oil
  • 1 splash of lemon juice
  1. Grade the ginger.
  2. In a small bowl, combined, the graded ginger, 2 Tbsp white miso,1/2 tsp soy sauce, 1/2 tsp sugar and 3 Tbsp rice vinegar.
  3. Whisk it all together really well to dissolve the miso and sugar.
  4. While whisking the mixture, add 2 ½ Tbsp salad oil / neutral oil to the mixture very slowly, in a thin stream, for a successful emulsion.
  5. Then, slowly add 1/2 Tbsp toasted sesame oil while whisking.
  6. Add 1 splash of lemon juice and whisk it all together.
  7. Transfer to a serving dish with a spout or a nice glass jar.

Total Solar Eclipse of the Heart

by Karen Soo, Newsletter Editor

On April 8, 2024, a historic total solar eclipse will cast a shadow over parts of the United States, prompting a mass travel event to the path of totality — from Texas to Maine and several states and cities in between.

A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth and, for a short time, completely blocks the face of the sun.

The track of the moon’s shadow across Earth’s surface is called the path of totality, and to witness the April 8 total solar eclipse, viewers must be within the 115-mile-wide path. To discover when to see the solar eclipse in totality or the partial eclipse in locations across the U.S. outside of the path, check out NASA’s Eclipse Explorer tool.

Eclipse chasers, or umbraphiles, are individuals who will do almost anything, and travel almost anywhere, to see totality. Speak to Joel Hayashida about this. He’s chasing this event in Dallas, Texas/

There’s a very active community of solar eclipse chasers and we will go to any reasonable lengths to see solar eclipses anywhere in the world.

Bringing together both eclipse experts and novice sky watchers, the total solar eclipse on April 8 is projected to be the U.S.’s largest mass travel event in 2024.

In the U.S., the path of totality begins in Texas and will travel through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Small parts of Tennessee and Michigan will also experience the total solar eclipse, according to NASA.

“Eclipse Across America,” will air live Monday, April 8, beginning at 2 p.m. ET on ABC, ABC News Live, National Geographic Channel, Nat Geo WILD, Disney+ and Hulu as well as network social media platforms.

So, get out your protective sunglasses and look up into the sky.. Be Safe.