by Karen Soo, Newsletter Editor

Another successful NSC picnic took place on Sunday, July 21st in Las Palmas Park, Sunnyvale.
According to the Evite, 50 plus current NSC members and potential new members came out. The weather cooperated and we got the best picnic spot #2 with tree-covered shading.

The picnic tables were filled with delicious pot luck dishes and scrumptious desserts.  At the end of the day I was surprised there were no left overs to bring home. SORRY, let us know if we should order more hot dogs for next year?

A big thank you to Roland Lee for being our NSC Grill Master, grilling the hot dogs, hot links and ribs. If you arrived early I hoped you tried Curtis’s ribs that fell off the bone. He forgot the BBQ sauce, but it was mighty tasty with the dried rub.

Roland brought out his Mah Jong set and there were a few who tried their luck on the game.
Don’t forget Judy and Janet’s NSC Mah Jong Event on Sept 7, 2024 FLYER HERE

What was there to eat?

I heard one of the hits of the dessert tray was Haruko’s Kurimanju

Armand conducted his annual membership meeting. He introduced the new board and talked about the upcoming Sun Peaks trip and the possibility of including minors to our future weeklong ski trips.

-A big thank you for Armand for getting the iced beer.

-A big thank you to Frank for getting the iced soda and water.  

-A big thank you to Morgan for getting the permit for the Las Palmas Picnic spot #2.

-A big thank you again to Curtis for setting up the picnic area and returning all the picnic supplies to our Shed in Sunnyvale.

-A big thank you to Bill Lee and Celeste Rogers for taking pictures of the picnic.

And a big THANK YOU TO YOU!! Thank you for getting off your seats to take the NSC group photo and bringing your entrées and desserts to share. Without your participation, the club will not exist.

I missed the picnic this year and I miss you boys and girls. I hope join you in the 2025 Picnic.

Have a great summer.